The implementation of any project requires some costs, no matter what their nature - be it material, financial or labor resources. The summary plan of financial costs is called a cost estimate. The most widely known are construction estimates and budgets for the maintenance of budgetary institutions). By analyzing construction estimates, you can understand the cost of certain types of work in detail, the budget - the total cost, for example, of maintaining children in a kindergarten. A guarantee of the correctness of the data is the verification of the accuracy of the estimates, carried out by specialized organizations or authorized bodies.

Checking construction estimates

Checking construction estimates, or, as it is also called, examination of estimates, is mandatory. Only specialized organizations that have the appropriate license are authorized to carry it out. Checking estimates is designed to identify possible fraud committed by the design organization at the design stage. This is one of the most significant moments in the relationship between the contractor and the customer. Any investor is interested in ensuring that the work is completed and material costs are carried out in accordance with the prices actually prevailing on the market.

Checking estimates in construction is carried out on:

  1. Possible increase in prices for building materials.
  2. The presence of errors made when calculating the volume of work.
  3. Correctness and validity of the use of various correction factors.

The main violations identified when checking construction estimates

The general practice of checking the accuracy of estimates in the construction industry shows that most of the violations committed are of the following nature:

  • incorrect assessment of the expected scope of work in comparison with the provided construction drawings of the project;
  • permissible computational errors when performing mathematical calculations;
  • incorrect application of prices and correction factors and price increase indices due to the estimator’s ignorance of the technology of the construction process itself.

A timely check of estimates allows you to identify and eliminate these violations before the start of the production cycle.

Procedure for checking estimates

The process of checking estimates in construction usually looks like this: a customer interested in the rational and efficient use of the financial resources at his disposal looks for an independent (this is a very important factor!) organization that has the appropriate license. Concludes an agreement with her to carry out the examination work and submits a package of documents received from the designers in full with the obligatory attachment of all available drawings and technical drawings.

An expert organization, using special software, divides project estimates into costs of materials, machine operation, labor, estimated profit and overhead. Then the cost estimate engineer analyzes the local construction estimates at his disposal and assesses the possibility of probable savings.

During the examination process, not only unnecessary work can be identified, but also moments of absence of necessary work can be identified or proposals can be made to replace one type of work with another, more effective one. So examination of the reliability of estimates does not always provide a tangible reduction in estimated costs, but always leads to the possibility of the most rational use of funds.

A sample estimate for construction can be found on various specialized websites.

Checking budget estimates

As a rule, various bodies exercising either departmental or financial control are involved in checking the estimates of budgetary institutions. Under current legislation, budget estimates are compiled exclusively by government institutions. Budgetary and autonomous institutions that are not recipients of budget funds (all financial flows come from the founder as a so-called payment (subsidy) for the state or municipal task being performed) do not prepare budget estimates. Their main financial document is the financial and economic activity plan.

Accordingly, the subjects of financial control in terms of drawing up budget estimates are, first of all, the founder (departmental control) and various control and supervisory authorities (treasury, financial authorities, control and audit chambers, control and audit authorities, and so on).

Main areas of inspection

Budget estimates are checked for:

  • reliability of calculation of wage fund indicators;
  • the reliability of the calculation and the application of current prices for services related to the maintenance of property under the operational management of the inspected institution;
  • reliability and validity of planning of state (municipal) procurement;
  • compliance of planning for spending funds with the goals and conditions of their provision.

A sample estimate for government institutions can be viewed on the official website of the Ministry of Finance of the Russian Federation.


As can be seen from the above, checking estimates (the so-called preliminary control) is a very important aspect in the implementation of both various investment projects and in the everyday activities of institutions. It allows you to identify internal reserves, eliminate the possibility of violations and avoid additional costs in the form of penalties from various types of control and supervisory authorities.

Checking estimate documentation

Checking estimate documentation

1.3. Description of the object of examination
The object of the examination is the estimate documentation.

1.4. Examination task

Checking estimates for compliance of physical volumes with Project documentation and correct application of prices and increasing factors, determination of other costs in the TER for the Moscow region with reasoned comments;
One set of estimates consists of local estimates for sections of design documentation determined by Decree of the Government of the Russian Federation No. 87 of February 16, 2008 and a consolidated estimate for the following enlarged scope of work for new construction and reconstruction:
— construction of a production building with an area of ​​approximately 3,000 m2;
— construction of a raw material warehouse with an area of ​​approximately 2,000 m2;
— relocation for the purpose of removing storm and domestic sewerage and water supply systems from the construction zone;
— construction of a boiler room;
— construction of a transformer substation;
— arrangement of highways, sidewalks and platforms;
— installation of a foundation for peletating equipment, installation of a canopy over the peletating equipment;
— construction of foundations for wood dryers;
— installation of pipeline racks;
— replacement of the reinforced concrete fencing of the territory with a translucent metal one 2.3 m high and installation of a fence along a retaining wall 1.2 m high;
— installation of canopies for wood and pellets;
— installation of foundations for technological equipment inside buildings and on the site;
— office building arrangement;
— dismantling of 3 floors from the 5th engineering building, installation of a new roof at the level of the 2nd floor in the conditions of the transformer substation and control panel of the aspiration system operating inside the building on the 1st and 2nd floors, reconstruction of the building;
— installation of engineering systems (power supply, electric lighting, heating and ventilation, water supply and sanitation, fire extinguishing and fire alarm, etc.) to ensure the operation of technological equipment and the normal functioning of buildings;
— reconstruction of the administrative building to accommodate additional personnel;

1.6. Assumptions and Limitations

  • The survey results that served as the basis for this conclusion are given as of January 09, 2018. The results are valid on the dates of the study. The expert does not accept responsibility for social, economic, physical or regulatory changes that may occur after this date and affect the subject of the study and thus affect the results.
  • In the process of preparing the report, the expert relied on the reliability of the documentation on the research object provided by the Parties.
  • The expert assumes the absence of any hidden factors influencing the results of the study, and is not responsible for the presence of such hidden factors, nor for the need to identify them.
  • The expert guarantees to maintain the confidentiality of information obtained during the research process, except for cases provided for by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.
  • The analyses, opinions expressed and conclusions reached are limited only by the assumptions and limiting conditions stated in this report and are the expert's own unbiased professional analysis, opinions and conclusions.


2.1. Research methodology
1. Study of materials provided by the customer.
2. Analysis and systematization of the data obtained at the previous stages, performing the necessary calculations, processing the results.

2.2. Description of research work
According to MDS 81-35-2004

This Methodology is intended to determine the cost of construction of new, reconstruction, expansion and technical re-equipment of existing enterprises, buildings and structures, repair and commissioning work (hereinafter referred to as construction) carried out on the territory of the Russian Federation, as well as pricing for construction products.

The distribution of objects, work and costs within the chapters is carried out according to the nomenclature established for the relevant industry for a consolidated estimate of the cost of construction. If there are several types of completed productions or complexes, each of which has several objects, grouping within the chapter can be carried out into sections, the name of which corresponds to the name of the productions (complexes).
For certain industries and types of construction, the name and nomenclature of the chapters of the consolidated estimate may be changed.
The presented estimate documentation is calculated according to the TER edition 2014 as of November 2017.

Notes on all estimates:
1) Replace local estimates with Local estimate calculation, see MDS 81-35-2004 clause 3.16
2) Constraint coefficients k=1.15 are not justified by the PIC.
3) Costs for temporary buildings and structures are taken into account twice, as construction and installation work and as a percentage of construction and installation work. These costs are accepted by agreement with the Customer-Investor. The cost of VZiS equipment is not increased (see LSR No. 8 TP and others) only for construction and installation work MDS 81-35-2004
4) Costs for Winter price increases are incurred year-round, but depending on the location of the object and the time of completion of the work, also in agreement with the Customer-Investor. For example, the Winter increase in prices for the Moscow region, the estimated cost calculated according to TSN -2001 Moscow is taken into account in each price and the Customer has no right to adjust it. Chargers are not added to the cost of equipment (see LSR No. 8 TP, etc.), only for construction and installation work MDS 81-35-2004
5) Costs for unforeseen expenses are the expenses of the Customer-Investor. They are given to the contractor depending on the method of mutual settlement when they arise under the contract.
6) The cost of material resources and equipment for some items is taken into account according to the price list. It is necessary to provide agreement with the Customer-Investor Monitoring of cost indicators indicating at least three suppliers and choosing the current price. If we take the method of state pricing, then the format for applying prices for work and materials should be the same. In the estimates, items that exceed market prices remain, and within the market are replaced with expensive ones. It is not correct.
7) The cost of disposal is not subject to VAT.
8) For all estimates, if equipment is available, allocate the cost to the totals. It is important for the Investor to know the cost of equipment for its operation and for accounting of working capital
9) In all estimates, exclude VZiS and ZU, as well as Unforeseen costs. They are taken into account in the SSR Summary and Estimate Calculation.

LSR No. 1 Construction of foundations for workshops 3000m2 and 2000m2
1) The volume of garbage removed does not correspond to the calculated dismantling data. There is no calculation of the results obtained
2) The cost of sand is unreasonably replaced by a more expensive one according to the price list and is not permissible without agreement with the Customer.
3) The estimate does not take into account the volume of backfilling of soil.
LSR No. 2. Construction of external water supply networks V1 and external sewerage networks K1
1) The volume of sand must be agreed with the designers. It is possible to partially replace sand with local soil.
2) The volume of consumption of the Policorr pipe must be clarified with the designer and the product manufacturer regarding the rate of material consumption for laying 1 m of pipe.
3) P.50. I don’t understand what kind of case steel pipes with a diameter of 600 mm are pulled into?
4) P.70 Materials are counted twice
LSR No. 3. Construction of a load-bearing metal frame of the building and half-timbered façade
1) P.1. there is no justification for using the coefficient k=1.18? The constraint is also not justified by the PIC
2) P.1. Availability of construction bolts in the supply of metal structures. This is the cost of the finished product, not the raw materials, see point 6.
3) P.6. The cost should be determined on the basis of the design documentation.
4) Specify the number of high-strength bolts and agree with the designer.
5) Design, the product arrives at the construction site primed and painted. However, prices are applied to priming work.
6) P.8. Justify the volume of cutting of the profiled sheet and agree with the designer
7) Clause 9.1 Specify which profiled sheet. The cost should be agreed with the Customer. Check with the designer about the advisability of using 1.5 mm rather than 0.75? Justify technical solutions? Possible reduction in price?
8) P.13. Replace with 15-04-030-03. Metal frame painting, pipe diameter more than 50 mm.

LSR No. 4. Installation of floors in workshops 1-16/А-В
P. 11-01-052-01 replace with direct quote 11-01-055-01
P.7.2 Material resources should not be used correctly.

LSR No. 5 Construction of facades, filling of openings in external walls and roofs
P.2 Clarify what is included in the metal frame 293 t? Price for metal frame. Perhaps the volume of the metal frame has been taken into account twice?
P.2. Specify volume? Perhaps you didn’t subtract the volume of doorways and gates.
P.75 Third putty for high-quality painting on plaster? How can it be in a warehouse if we are doing simple plastering? And improved coloring item 76 in stock?
P.82-84, the weight of installation of metal structures does not correspond to the weight of materials.
LSR No. 6 Construction of internal engineering systems of AVPT; APPT
Replace items 1-5 with collection 16. See technical part. to the collection. This pipeline is not technological; if the pressure in the pipes is up to 1.6 MPa, leave only the volume that carries raw materials for cooling the system to ensure the technological process.
Replace the cost of the pipeline with the cost of ready-made units for the collection. Work on the manufacture of components under construction conditions shall be excluded.
LSR No. 7 Improvement
P.1-16 clarify the scope of work and types of work, the need for disposal and its quantity.
P.35. Replace with 04-01-001-02, then item 36 will correspond. Those. Replace core drilling with rotary drilling.
P.51-55 Section Temporary fencing should be excluded. These costs are duplicated and in agreement with the Customer
LSR No. 9. Construction of diesel generator foundations, granulation lines
The estimate takes into account not only the foundations, but also the frame and roof.
Item 30 Replace with 15-04-030-03. Metal frame painting, pipe diameter more than 50 mm.

LSR No. 10 Ramp dismantling
1) Specify the scope of work
2) The coefficient 1.15 and 1.25 is not applicable for dismantling work, see MDS 81-35-2004 for similar work, collection 46, used during reconstruction.
3) P.7. Correction factors are not applied to loading and transportation. Not justified.
4) P.12. Replace with 15-04-030-03. Metal frame painting, pipe diameter more than 50 mm.
5) The method for calculating construction waste is not shown.

LSR No. 11 Domestic gas supply
P.16. Look at point 1. Pipes over 50 mm. Replace with 15-04-030-03
Correction factors are not applicable for the assembly collection, see PM and MDS 81-35-2004.

LSR No. 12 External gas supply
P.2 It's just a sleeve. Eliminate work
P.9. The price is up to 5 m3. We have 2 m3. We apply prices up to 3 m3.
P.12.13 We do not paint pipes; they are encased. Adjust the amount of paint
LSR No. 13. Heating
P.12. The pipe laying is 366 m to 50 mm, and the hydraulic test is 405.6 m. The registers undergo thermal testing.
P.16. Color it 4 times? Justify.
LSR No. 14. Ventilation
Eliminate the production of components under construction conditions and replace them with ready-made components if there is a need for evil?
More details need to be checked if the specification is available. The project contains only diagrams. The cost of equipment and materials according to price lists should be agreed upon according to all estimates

LSR No. 15. Internal water supply system. Storm drainage.
P.7. The estimate takes into account a horizontal steam tank water heater STD N 3070 with a volume of 2.5 m3. Clarify compliance with the technical specifications and the project
P.22-42 What are trenches and decks, soil development, transportation in the domestic water supply system in the domestic sewerage section?
LSR No. 16. Electrical installation work
The cost of materials and equipment must be monitored and agreed upon with the Customer.
Grounding volumes should be specified taking into account LSR No. 18

LSR No. 17. Dismantling of the 3rd, 4th, 5th floors of the engineering building; Repair of 1-2 floors
Items 1-18 need to clarify the scope of dismantling work and reasonably agree with the design organization.

Clause 18.25 The cost of disposal is not subject to VAT.

LSR No. 18. External electrical installation work
Grounding volumes may be taken into account in LSR No. 16

LSR No. 19. Installation of canopies 350m2; 240m2 and foundation of drying chambers
P.5 Recycling is not subject to VAT
Determine the required volume of sand.
Specify the replacement of corrugated sheeting from 1.5 mm to 0.6 or equivalent
There are no high-strength bolts, only construction bolts, which should be included in the delivery of the metal frame
P.23. Replace with 15-04-030-03. Metal frame painting, pipe diameter more than 50 mm.
P.24.4 Specify the volume of the reinforcing mesh. The norm is 20 tons, but 41 tons are taken into account?

LSR No. 20. Boiler room
The cost of equipment should be agreed upon with the provision of monitoring.
The coefficients are not justified. On the assembly assembly k = 1.15 for OZP and 1.25 for EM is not applicable
VZiS and charges for equipment do not increase the cost.

21. Construction of internal engineering systems: Low current
Can you clarify the number of cables pulled into one corrugated pipe? If there are 2 or three, then the first and the subsequent ones must be evaluated.

LSR No. 22. Construction of a temporary road
See temporary buildings and structures in %. Only by agreement with the Customer.

LSR No. 23 Poland. Boiler room TP Ventilation
The tightness at the PNR is not justified. Eliminate all coefficients. Apply to=0.8. Carrying out commissioning works by the same installation organization.
P.18. How did Author's Supervision get into the Contractor's costs?
P.28 Delete. Which section?
P.46, 47, 49 Justify the volume of 101 lines and 260 circuits?
All automatic equipment, according to the price lists, comes from the manufacturer with a passport and is tested.

Estimated documentation at stage “P” of the Project is indicative; it is not recommended to enter into contractual relations based on it, since after the introduction and approval of the Working Documentation, the estimated cost usually differs by up to 50%, in exceptional cases it is theoretically reduced, subject to adjustment project documentation.
This estimate documentation is subject to modification based on comments. No malicious or obvious comments were identified. The cost indicators of prices for work have not been adjusted; the indices correspond to the applied positions.
A detailed study of the design documentation of all sections is required. It is advisable to additionally order a Bill of Quantities from the designers. This section will help you correctly evaluate and prepare Local estimates.

Any customer is interested in an economically justified estimate with a minimum price and a high-quality project, and the contractor is interested in maximum benefit from the construction process. Against this background, many disputes and conflicts arise. An independent review of estimates is designed to resolve misunderstandings at any level.

What is expertise and why is it needed?

An examination of the estimated cost can promptly identify overestimation or underestimation and minimize fines when audited by regulatory authorities. This is the most popular type of analysis among all construction examinations. It is carried out before concluding a construction contract or during technical supervision.

The objectives of the examination of our enterprise:

  • Research of estimates for economic errors:
    • identifying inconsistencies in the application of prices, coefficients, etc.;
    • monitoring and analysis of prices for materials and equipment;
    • verification of actual costs when calculating overhead costs, travel costs according to the accounting data of a particular enterprise, and other real costs in acts no. works;
    • other checks in accordance with current pricing requirements.
  • Identifying technical errors:
    • reconciliation with drawings of construction volumes in estimates;
    • checking construction work in drawings in accordance with architectural solutions and technology, technical specifications;
    • checking the scope of work according to the as-built documentation;
    • monitoring the correct use of materials in accordance with the project conditions;
    • reconciliation of engineering surveys in the project with those used in the estimates of soil groups, density, working conditions, etc.;
    • reconciliation of actually purchased materials with the consumption in the work completion certificates.
  • Checking the appearance:
    • separation of documentation in order to optimize taxation for repairs and reconstruction;
    • checking the execution of estimate documentation (availability of approvals, seals, etc.), completeness.

An independent estimate examination can be carried out either as a separate study or in combination with other technical examinations. It can also be ordered before the mandatory state examination of objects that can only be legally carried out by the state. expertise. This is convenient if you need to reduce inspection time and returns for revision.

For reference: “Objects subject to mandatory state examination: unique buildings over 100 m in height, 100 m in span, especially dangerous and technically complex objects, military facilities, hazardous waste disposal facilities, historical values ​​and monuments, objects in the internal sea waters of the continental shelf of the Russian Federation, objects in the territory of 2 and more subjects of the Russian Federation, the source of funding of which is federal"

Our company is accredited to conduct a non-state examination of the cost of the project. The examination of our company's estimates does not differ from the state procedure in terms of inspection methods and the quality of the final product. The results of the verification have legal force. The expert opinion can be used in Russian arbitration courts, investigative bodies, etc.

Compared to state examination, we offer our clients a complete absence of bureaucracy and pleasant conditions for cooperation with us. This:

  • cost of work at the level of public services;
  • short deadlines for completing work;
  • announcement of preliminary results;
  • the ability to verify part of the documentation;
  • unbiased attitude towards the customer or contractor.

Important! State examination is carried out before the start of construction when developing a project. While independent verification at any stage of cost formation and work execution!

We are ready to analyze documentation at the design stage, concluding a contract, carrying out work or mothballing construction.

What documents does our company check?

Checking the estimated cost consists of analyzing estimates, correct understanding of drawings, as-built documentation, and accounting documents.

List of examination of estimate documentation that our organization checks:

  • examination of the summary estimate for compliance with project data, technical specifications, and contract terms;
  • offers for public and private tenders;
  • commercial proposals for calculating contract prices, acts of work at commercial rates;
  • certificates of completed work KS-2 (including real costs of materials, travel expenses, actual use of materials);
  • calculations of resource consumption for M29 (if necessary, visiting the construction site);
  • defective statements when stopping or defrosting construction;
  • separate calculations (cost of design and survey work, technical supervision, architectural supervision, insurance fund);
  • analysis of the separation of estimates by type of construction: major repairs, reconstruction;
  • individual calculations for the manufacture of your own products, developed individual prices, cost of machine-hours of construction equipment.

Also, our company can be a member of the work acceptance commission if an examination of the estimate according to 44FZ is required to determine the degree of safety of the project.

How customers are deceived

According to the results of our internal research, more than 70% of the estimate documentation is overestimated. This could be a deliberate “inflation” of construction prices or errors due to inattention or low qualifications. A situation also often occurs when the contractor, wanting to win competitive bidding, underestimates the scope of work or completely excludes part of the work. Upon signing the acts, this increases the cost, and the customer incurs losses.

The most common errors:

  • Increase in the cost of equipment, material resources in the resource method of calculation;
  • Overestimation of the cost of machine hours in the operation of mechanisms, construction equipment, quantity overrun;
  • An increase in labor intensity in direct costs, which entails overpayment of travel expenses and wages of shift workers;
  • Incompetent use of profit ratios and overhead calculations;
  • The use of mixed prices of materials in the basis-index and basis-compensation methods. The initial prices, which are then indexed, can be for 1984 and 2018.
  • Duplication of work in separate lines that is already included in the main price.
  • Inflated commercial prices.
  • Incorrect application of cost increase factors and tariff schedules for workers' wages.
  • Incorrect selection of estimates - analogues.

These are not all the tricks that unscrupulous construction workers most often consciously resort to. It is difficult for an inexperienced specialist or a novice repairman to determine the source of the error. Therefore, it is better to trust the work to experts.

Reliability in determining the estimated cost is also needed by contractors who enter into contracts with budgetary organizations. This will save you from unnecessary nerves and time spent on finalizing the estimate.

The procedure for conducting the examination

According to the current legislation of the Russian Federation, the examination period is 3 months. But our team of professionals carries out the scope of work in the agreed order, based on the specifics of the project. Most often, the terms are minimized by two or even three times.

Before we begin to determine the reliability of the estimated cost, we discuss with the customer the goals of the research, verification methods, scope of work and deadlines.

List of documentation for the examination:

  • Project documentation.
  • Design assignment.
  • Statement of construction volumes of work.
  • Defective statement or technical inspection report (for major repair objects).
  • Object passport data.
  • Contact information about the design organization.
  • Application for each audited estimate.
  • An official letter addressed to our manager.

Our actions:

  • Analysis of estimate documentation after signing the contract.
  • Recalculation of construction costs if errors are identified.
  • If necessary, defending identified errors to contractors.
  • Issuance of an official report on the progress of the inspection, which indicates the amount of overvaluation or undervaluation and detailed recommendations for adjustment.

Cost of services

The starting price for checking one line of the estimate is from 80 rubles. The cost of the service depends on:

  • the level of complexity of the object, its uniqueness;
  • quantity and quality of source documents;
  • individual client requirements;
  • urgency of work.

Depending on the form in which the project documentation is provided, one can judge the labor costs of the inspecting expert. Source documentation could be:

  • Full. This is a ready-made project with detailed details of technological components, ready-made technical solutions, an electronic estimate file in the software package; ready-made as-built documentation, defect sheet; negotiable price with a full set of drawings.
  • Partial. Photos of completed work, not a complete list of the scope of work, lack of primary accounting documents to verify actual expenses, verification based on stage P drawings.

There are cases when the actual work performed is checked, but the as-built documentation is completely missing or the project is developed poorly. Then our specialist can go to the site and take clarifying measurements.

List of services for checking design and estimate documentation:

  • Checking the positions of local estimates of unique industrial facilities, architectural monuments, with a full amount of information - from 80 rubles/item;
  • Checking the positions of local estimates of unique industrial facilities, architectural monuments, with a partial amount of information - from 100 rubles/item;
  • Checking items of local estimates for capital construction, repair, reconstruction projects with a full amount of information - from 80 rubles/item;
  • Checking items of local estimates for capital construction, repair, reconstruction projects with partial information - from 100 rubles/item;
  • Checking items in acts of completed work of any type of construction in the absence of an as-built diagram, project, drawings - from 100 rubles/item;
  • Checking the scope of work in the design documentation is specified;
  • Checking actual overhead costs according to accounting data for the reporting period;
  • Checking settlements in the SSR;
  • Checking estimates for design and survey work - from 4,000 rubles/estimate;
  • Checking commercial prices - from 80 rubles/position;
  • Visit to a construction site in Moscow – from 3,500 rubles;
  • Visit to the site in the Moscow Region - from 4,000 rubles.

Why is it profitable to cooperate with our company?

Determining the reliability of the estimated cost is painstaking and highly qualified work that must be trusted to professionals. We have extensive experience in inspections in all sectors of construction, and our experts undergo annual recertification and constantly monitor changes in pricing. Each employee has his own narrowly focused activity (plumbing, general construction, electrical, etc.), which has a positive effect on the quality and timing of work.

The estimates we have verified can be enclosed as evidence in Arbitration Courts in controversial situations with budgetary organizations. We guarantee our clients:

  • Saving the final cost by at least 10% of the original price in 99 cases out of 100. This is much cheaper than your costs for conducting an inspection.
  • Guarantee for verified estimate documentation. After completing the work, if necessary, we are ready to prove that we are right, conduct official correspondence and support it with references to the Laws on Pricing and Rationing, recommendations of the Ministry of Construction of the Russian Federation;
  • Professionalism and many years of experience of engineers. Each specialist thoroughly knows construction technology, pricing, collections of labor standards (FER, TER, OSN, etc.) and can work in any programs for estimates.
  • Free consultations on any issue during the inspection.
  • Strict adherence to agreements and work deadlines.
  • Competent conclusion.

Ordering an estimate check at any stage of the work will save you from unnecessary fines and save funds for further business development and other purposes. This is a procedure that is equally necessary for a construction company or an individual during construction or renovation. The cost of our company’s services is economically justified, and you will only benefit from cooperation with us.

Contact us. We save your money as if it were our own!

, installation, commissioning and design and survey work, regardless of the type of object, be it apartments, houses, offices, enterprises, as well as internal and external engineering systems.

Checking estimates can be carried out in any standards: FER, TER, TSN, MTSN, commercial prices and at general market prices.

Costs for checking estimates in our company average 0.2% of the received estimated cost. However, we evaluate our work on checking estimates depending on the labor intensity and most often the cost can be below 0.2%; for more details about our prices, see the prices page.

Working hours of our specialists: on weekdays and weekends and on holidays from early morning until late evening, and in case of serious need even around the clock!

CALL to clarify the cost of checking estimate documentation for any type of work and other questions at the phone numbers listed on the contacts page.

General information on the topic:

Checking estimates

Analysis of the estimate is a very important component of the process of interaction between the contractor and the customer. After all, the process of construction and installation work itself cannot be planned 100% in advance, which means the initial cost indicated in the estimate should also change following changes in the work done. In addition, quite often, unfortunately, the customer (rarely the contractor) pays little attention to checking the estimate documentation at the initial stage before the start of work (if it is drawn up at all), hoping for the integrity of the contractor or the Russian “maybe”. As a result of such carelessness, after some time it turns out that the contractor bills the customer for his services much more than the amounts they cost, including in the work a lot of things that he did not do and the cost of materials that are significantly higher than average market prices.

The optimal algorithm for the work of the contractor and the customer is as follows:

  1. Drawing up a statement of quantities, with mandatory approval and agreement between the customer and the contractor;
  2. Drawing up estimate documentation based on this statement by the contractor and submitting it to the customer for approval;
  3. Checking and agreeing on estimates by the customer;
  4. Acceptance of work by the customer in accordance with the statement of quantities and estimates (if necessary, estimates are adjusted) on the basis of the Certificate of Acceptance of Completed Work in the KS-2 form;
  5. Payment for work performed in accordance with the certificate of cost of work performed in form KS-3.

Checking estimates (estimation analysis) at the initial stage before starting work will significantly reduce the expenditure of funds (any contractor provides a minimum of 30% overestimation of the cost of its services). Checking (analysis) of estimate documentation (which may change) during the work process will eliminate unnecessary overspending on the purchase of additional materials and unnecessary work. Even in the most advanced case, when estimates were not drawn up or checked at all, checking estimates can significantly save money by consistently restoring the entire work process from scratch, however, this is much more labor-intensive and you will still have to say goodbye to some of the money (for production services control measurements, partly overestimating the volume of work that can no longer be verified, etc.).

Thus, checking the estimate will save you from many unpleasant surprises, such as:

  • overestimation of the volume of work performed;
  • exclusion of the cost of work that is not actually done (for example, hidden work);
  • exclusion of duplicate prices and work;
  • overestimation of the cost of materials and equipment, etc.

In accordance with the above, one important conclusion can be drawn: the sooner the customer (or contractor) begins to check the estimates himself or entrusts the checking of the estimates to professional estimating engineers, the more money and time he will save. Thus, analysis of the estimate for construction and installation work will allow for the most optimal use of material resources.

In the process of checking the estimate drawn up by the contractor, three main stages can be distinguished:

  • thorough check of the scope of proposed work indicated in the estimate;
  • checking the specified material costs and their costs;
  • checking the cost of proposed work.

Scope of work

The first stage, concerning the scope of work, is not particularly difficult and requires basic knowledge of geometry and mathematics. Checking estimates concerns calculations of surface areas requiring finishing, volumes of reinforced concrete structures, lengths of communication pipelines, and so on. It is very easy to carry out inspections on site or in the presence of a project. Difficulties may arise when a complex of work is performed, where each stage is taken into account separately. For example, before painting the walls, they need to be properly prepared, that is, primed, putty applied, leveled and sanded, and only then can you begin painting. In such cases, the inspector must know exactly the entire technology for correctly performing this or that work, and so that the contractor cannot deceive the customer, he must personally monitor the process at every stage. This will make it possible to make sure that all work is carried out in full, even those whose results are not visible in the end. In conditions of large-scale construction work, it is more profitable for the customer to seek help from technical supervision specialists.

Consumption and cost of materials

The second stage of verification is also quite simple and is associated with mathematical calculations and knowledge in the field of prices for the main types of building materials. The fact that when purchasing large quantities of materials is taken into account, the client can count on a decent discount. Often the contractor takes advantage of this and keeps the saved amount for himself as additional income. You can find out the conditions of the store where you plan to purchase materials by calling. Shipping costs may also be already included in the cost of materials, especially if you purchase the entire shipment of necessary materials in one place. Otherwise, the cost of delivery to the site can range from 7-13% of the order value. At this stage of verification, the actual consumption of materials is calculated, which depends on the characteristics of the object. The approximate consumption of each type of building material can be indicated on the packaging, and information on this issue can be found on the Internet. A certain expense for waste and residues is also taken into account, the coefficient of which ranges from 5-20%. When working with small hard materials, such as ceramic tiles, the waste percentage will be up to 5%.

Cost of work

Prices for the work of craftsmen depend on the region, the specifics of the task, the complexity of the operation, the qualifications of the specialist and many other factors. Therefore, the check is carried out taking into account those criteria that in your situation have a greater impact on the cost of specialist work.

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    THANK YOU so much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is presented very clearly. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the operation of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not be motivated enough to dedicate much time to maintaining this site. My brain is structured this way: I like to dig deep, systematize scattered data, try things that no one has done before or looked at from this angle. It’s a pity that our compatriots have no time for shopping on eBay because of the crisis in Russia. They buy from Aliexpress from China, since goods there are much cheaper (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start in the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade items and various ethnic goods.

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        What is valuable in your articles is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic. Don't give up this blog, I come here often. There should be a lot of us like that. Email me I recently received an email with an offer that they would teach me how to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered your detailed articles about these trades. area I re-read everything again and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven't bought anything on eBay yet. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we also don’t need any extra expenses yet. I wish you good luck and stay safe in Asia.

  • It’s also nice that eBay’s attempts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS countries have begun to bear fruit. After all, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR do not have strong knowledge of foreign languages. No more than 5% of the population speak English. There are more among young people. Therefore, at least the interface is in Russian - this is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. eBay did not follow the path of its Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) translation of product descriptions is performed. I hope that at a more advanced stage of development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on eBay with a Russian interface, but an English description):