The 45th President of the United States of America was elected on November 9, 2016.. He became - a businessman and a billionaire who put forward himself.  The date of the US presidential election was known in advance - the first Tuesday of November. The president of the country is elected for 4 years. Having held this post for two terms, Barack Obama did not have the right to vote.

Features of the election

The main feature of the US presidential election is a two-stage electoral process. The first level is the election of electors from each state. The state delegates to the electoral college the number of representatives equal to the number of representatives of that state in both houses of Congress. An exception is made for the District of Columbia, not represented in the US Congress, but delegating three representatives to the board. By law, the District of Columbia elects as many electors as it does from the most sparsely populated states.

The college has 538 electors. The presidential candidate will win, for whom at least 270 electors will vote. There were examples in history when a presidential candidate took the oath in the end, having received fewer votes during the election than his rival. The last case occurred in 2000. Nationwide, Al Gore received more votes, and George W. Bush celebrated the victory, for which 271 electors voted. Therefore, on the day of the presidential election, voters vote for electoral lists.

The winning list receives the votes of all electors from a given state. This is how elections are held in all US states except the states of Nebraska and Maine, where the system is even more complicated. The board is going to vote for 41 days after the election. In practice, this procedure turns into a formality, but in the history of the country, the House of Representatives had to take on the function of determining the winner twice. True, this happened a long time ago, at the beginning of the 19th century.

The representatives of the states in the electoral college will have to make a choice between the presidential candidates who won the primaries from the two leading political parties of the country. Party primaries are held in each state. Thus, the "donkeys" (symbol of the Democratic Party) and "elephants" (symbol of the Republican Party) select a single candidate from their party for the presidency of the United States. With him, a candidate for the position of vice president takes part in the elections.

The lucky winner takes the oath of office on January 20 of the year that follows the election year. In this way, new US president takes office January 20, 2017.

The balance of power in the 2016 presidential election

There is still a lot of time before election day, but the chances of all potential candidates are already weighed in the most meticulous way. However, it is well known that the domestic political situation in America is very variable and candidates that are obvious today can lose their positions, and outsiders, on the contrary, become leaders in the race. A race that the whole world will watch.

It makes no sense even to recall the “notebook” candidates who have already loudly announced their presidential ambitions. There are no serious contenders among them. Serious politicians have so far either rejected the proposal to run or say that such an important step should be carefully considered. Truly, a bad horse starts with a gallop.

US presidential candidates in 2016

Democratic Party

Donkeys have a clear leader - Hillary Clinton. She managed to visit the first lady, and with Barack Obama long and successfully competed during the 2008 primaries, and the Secretary of State worked for four years. And the current president is ready to support her. Although this is more likely a minus than a plus, with its “popularity”. Now many are trying to distance themselves from the support of the American president, this “lame duck” in politics, and Hillary Clinton is no exception. Another possible problem may be her not good health. Closer to the election, she will definitely remember fainting. Clinton will not be able to raise the funds necessary for conducting the election campaign, her recognition rating is the highest among all potential candidates. Clan Kennedy (one of the most influential in the party) is also going to support her. So for now in the Democratic Party, she does not see a worthy rival. Yes, and her election will be a logical continuation of the general politically correct line: first the first black president, followed by the first woman president.

The current vice president, Joseph Biden, has strong positions in the Democratic Party, but he has refused to go to the polls. In any case, has so far refused. If Biden changes his mind, he will become the only serious opponent of Hillary Clinton.

Secretary of State Kerry followed suit, announcing his retirement from politics after Obama ended his term in office.

Senator Elizabeth Warren, New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, Howard Dean and Brian Schweitzer will not be able to compete with Hillary Clinton during the primaries, their political weight is too different.

Republican Party

Republicans have no clear leader. Odds have:

  • Congressman Marco Rubio, representative of the conservative wing of the party, from a family of immigrants from Cuba. Catholic. He is even compared to John F. Kennedy, only Rubio’s “spill” is republican. According to Time, is the "savior of the Republicans." While careful when voicing his position.
  • Congressmen Rand Paul and Paul Ryan. Both are relatively young, noticeable, enjoy the support of the party. Both are known for their conservative views.
  • Former Florida Governor Jeb Bush, brother and son of US presidents. For him support in Florida, "money bags", the sympathy of many "Latinos". And for Americans, this is a brand. Jeb Bush does not yet have the necessary recognition, but now they are actively trying to "untwist" him.
  • New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. It was believed that it had the greatest chances among the Republicans, but a well-known scandal broke out with the closure of the George Washington Bridge. Now for him, not everything is as rosy as it was a year ago.
  • Mitt Romney. After losing to Obama, he announced that he was not going to run in the 2016 elections. However, in January 2015, he changed his position. Has the necessary experience and support. But so far, according to the polls, inferior to Hillary Clinton.

It became known that from the Democrats was elected Hillary Clinton.

Independent Candidates

Will definitely be. Without them, the show will not be so colorful. Some have even announced their decision to run for president. The most interesting candidate seems to be billionaire donald trump. It is interesting, not serious. Over the past 150 years, the post of US president has been assigned only to representatives of two parties. No independent candidates were allowed to finish. Even billionaires. 2016 was a pleasant exception.

In conclusion

At the moment, questions are more relevant to Republican candidates. So far, there is no clear leader among them. But for the time remaining until November 8, 2016, everything can change and then, perhaps, “the latter will be the first”.

Among the laws of the election process in the United States is the fact that after two terms of presidency of a representative of one party, the post passed to a representative of another. Will this tradition be repeated in 2016? We recognize the name of the future president of the United States 41 days after the election.

The new president of America. Now two candidates are applying for this post - Hillary Clinton from the US Democratic Party and Donald Trump from the Republican Party. For whom the Americans will vote, it will become known on Wednesday: the results of the ended US presidential election in 2016 will be announced on November 9, when it will be around 11-12 in the morning in Moscow.

All US Presidential Candidates 2016

Six candidates are applying for the new US president. In addition to the clear favorites from the Democratic and Republican parties - Clinton and Trump, representatives of the Green, Libertarian and Constitutional parties, as well as independent candidates, take part in the elections. The main rivals came to the decisive election day - November 8 - with a minimum margin from each other. And now, when there is a day left before the start of elections in the USA, no one will undertake to name, both in America and in Europe.

However, in the US, candidates often come to the end of the election race, having almost equal chances of success. So it was in 2008, when America chose between Obama and McCain.

Electors will name the 58th President of the United States

On November 8, 2016, in the main round of elections, US residents will choose not the president himself, but special electors. It is they who will subsequently elect the President of the United States and Vice President of the United States. These are the only two posts that are elected in America in the federal (covering the entire territory of the country) constituency.

Electors are appointed in every US state. And the more people live in the state, the more its representatives enter the congress, which means the more electors. In the most populous state - California - it elects 55 electors, and in the most sparsely populated states - only three electors.

As a result, an electoral college is created, which includes 538 people. If at least 270 electors cast their ballots to one of the candidates, then he becomes the winner of the battle for the presidency.

Electors make a decision in the case when both candidates gain an equal number of votes: this situation has already occurred once, when Albert Gore and George W. Bush got the same number of votes in the 2000 presidential election.

The Americans elected a new US president

Clinton or Trump: who is more likely to become president of the United States

The day before the start of the US election, Clinton is ahead of Trump, according to various opinion polls, by about 1.5 -2%. But sociologists warn that the situation may change at any time. Political scientists have already noted that the current election in the United States has become the dirtiest in history: Clinton and Trump now and then changed places in ratings and opinion polls after yet another high-profile exposure of each other. Opponents used any methods in the election battle, not disdaining the most dirty and disgusting.

If Donald Trump, the 70-year-old billionaire, wins, he will become the oldest president of the United States. But, according to sociologists, voting for Trump to Americans may be prevented by his unpredictability in behavior. That is why they are trying to push Trump out of the White House by all available means. If the victory goes to Hillary Clinton, she will become the first woman president of the United States.

You can monitor the progress of the US presidential election online on large Internet resources, or through social networks, Twitter. Several direct broadcasts from the United States are also planned by Russian television channels. The first polling stations will open in the United States on November 8 at 14:00 Moscow time. The last polling station will close at 3 a.m. Moscow time on November 9.

Political scientists suggest focusing on the results of voting in Ohio: over the past 50 years, the US president has become the candidate for whom the residents of this state cast their votes. Now in Ohio, the difference between the candidates is 1%.

Most recently, presidential elections in the United States. They won one of the most prominent politicians of our time - Donald trump. It was a common occurrence in our country to hear the question: “How are the US presidential elections going, who is leading?” Many sarcastically joked that Russia is one of the states of America. The media also paid great attention to the news about the US presidential election. Trump won. However, our citizens learned about some electors, on whom the inauguration after the election triumph allegedly depends. Whether it is so or not, we will try to figure it out, and also explain how the system of presidential elections in the United States works.

Constitutional difference between the American head of state and the Russian

Before talking in more detail about the latest results of the US presidential election, let's say the main constitutional difference between the American head of state and the Russian one. Our president does not belong to any of the branches of power, he is the guarantor of the Constitution, the supreme commander. He appoints the head of the executive branch, supreme judges. That is, his powers are quite broad. Impeachment, i.e., the removal of the Russian president from office, is quite difficult to carry out. To do this, it is necessary that all three branches of government come together in this matter, two of which, in the personnel issue, depend on the president.

The powers of the head of the American people are also extensive. He determines the direction of foreign and domestic policy, appoints senior military posts, and is also the head of the executive branch. However, the fundamental difference from the Russian one is that the impeachment procedure is completely dependent on the Congress, that is, only on the legislative branch, which also approves all its decisions. It features two parties, one of which is originally a president. While the majority in the Congress are members of the same party, you can, as they say, sleep peacefully. However, if there is an opposite party, then this procedure is quite possible.

It is worth noting that impeachment has never been used, although the participant of the “sexual scandal” B. Clinton could experience it on himself. In modern times, D. Trump may become the first president to whom resignation by mistrust can be applied. The thing is that he was not supported by colleagues in the Republican party. This is the first time. Representatives of one party in the USA have never supported a candidate from another. Such a system exists for the election of the president in the USA, after which his removal is possible.

Two stage system

So, how are the US presidential elections. As early as 1789, the founding fathers of the state created a system that still functions today. She is a two-stage. At the first, when choosing a president, voters actually vote for the votes of electors in the state. In each particular, their number depends on the inhabitants. No matter how many candidates gain the total number of votes in a country, it is important that they gain a majority in each state. Such US presidential elections, the ratings of which depend on the electors, are criticized here. However, if you carefully analyze, they are much fairer. This forces us to develop absolutely all regions of the country, delve into the individual problems of the state, and find solutions to it. Otherwise, he will support another candidate, and a competitor will receive all the votes of the electors. It is the injustice of direct democracy with the uneven population in the states that the founding fathers wisely noticed in the 18th century.

Elections take place in several stages.

Stage One: Primaries

At the first stage, from February 1 to the end of June, primaries occur. Such a procedure has become mandatory since the 1970s. During them, voters choose one candidate from the Republican and Democratic Parties. This is not the election of the President of the United States. He who leads the primaries does not yet become the head of state. It is worth noting that candidates from each party are not chosen by party members, as in many countries of Europe and the USA, namely ordinary citizens. Something similar was done in Russia by United Russia, when the whole country elected future candidates for parliament from the party before the Duma elections. However, in the United States this is due to the vote of the future head of state.

Stage two: approval. After the primaries at party congresses of the winning candidates, two candidates for the post of head are officially approved - one from the Democrats, the other from the Republicans.

Stage Three: Voting for Electors

The US presidential election in the third stage is the most important moment. At it, voters vote for candidates. You need to understand about the US presidential election: each state has its own rating. The winning candidate in a particular state receives the votes of all electors. The US Presidential election date is November 9th.

Stage Four: Approval

Let's move on to the fourth stage. So, how are the US presidential elections? The total number of electors' votes is 538. California has the most of them - 50. To win, it is enough to get 270 votes. Let's say right away that this is a formal stage. An elector cannot vote for a democratic candidate if a Republican wins on his staff. They should only approve the winning candidate. This happens a few days before Christmas. After that, the result is approved by both houses of Congress.

Thus, we can conclude that the results of the US presidential election depend on the third stage, voting in the states, and not on the electors.

Partocracy under the guise of democracy

To understand how the presidential election in the United States takes place, you need to find out how democracy has developed in this country. George Washington also warned that a bipartisan system could lead to the extinction of democracy. His words, one might say, were prophetic. Party bosses were the most influential people in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. All elected posts, including the president, governors, senators, all depended on the decision of party congresses. They were controlled by influential people. Thus, in the United States there has long been a practice in which, under the guise of democracy, all elected posts, including senior ones, were appointed on the sidelines. The US presidential election depended not on the population, but on a narrow circle of financial “bigwigs”. In fact, this is an oligopoly or partocracy under the bright slogans of democracy.

The tabloid press has developed democracy

Oddly enough, but it was the "yellow press" that influenced the development of democracy in the United States. The party elite is mired in corruption, scandals, intrigues. The press took advantage of this for their own purposes. Journalists competed with each other about the loudest corruption headline, earning huge profits from sales. This coincided with the political struggle of the population to expand their rights and influence the electoral system. Everyone understood that congresses of deputies did not express the views of citizens. Gradually, step by step, the population acquired more and more voting rights and opportunities: in the United States, direct elections of state senators and governors were introduced, as well as direct election of future presidential candidates through primaries. Only by the end of XX all this was finally realized.

Primaries system

The US Presidential election date is November 9th. It is approved. However, this cannot be said about the preliminary vote. Each state itself determines the date and time of its holding. However, today there is a tradition: to begin the primaries should be in the smallest states - Iowa and New Hampshire. There is no single voting system. Each state also determines how primaries occur. In some, only party representatives are allowed, in others, absolutely all citizens. The latter system is gaining more and more popularity, as every year the number of those citizens who do not trust either of the two ruling parties is growing. According to the calculations of political scientists and sociologists, today there are already about a third of the population.

Why is there a bipartisan system in the USA

Many people know that in the USA two parties play the leading role. This does not mean that other political forces are banned. In the United States, it is perfectly legal to create a third alternative party. There have already been such cases in history. However, the stability of a bipartisan system is associated with the peculiarity of a majority system. The principle of "all or nothing," that is, the winning party takes all the votes. Take second place, and even more so third - is useless. This is not a 7% percentage barrier that needs to be overcome across the country - you must win in the state, only then you can get into Congress. This is unrealistic in a conservative system of political views.

We hope that we have highlighted the main points of the political system. We hope that it has now become clear how the presidential election in the United States is going.

Each state that has chosen the democratic path has its own national characteristics of elections to government bodies, reflecting the national character, history and traditions of the country. on this indicator there are no equal in the world. It’s impossible for an unaccustomed person to understand how to elect a president in the United States the first time. A multi-stage voting procedure, primaries, vacillating states ... And this whole battle takes place in the format of a real reality show, capturing the attention of viewers.

Where to start to become the president of the USA?

According to the constitution, any citizen who has reached the age of 35 years old and who has been born in the country and has been living here for at least 14 years can become president.

You can be nominated from any party, or you can go to the polls yourself, as an independent candidate.

But the practice of recent centuries shows that a real battle is being waged between two parties - the Republican and the Democratic. It is the representative of one of these two monsters that determines the fate of the country in the next four years.

In order for a long power not to turn a person’s head on, activity as the country's leader is limited to two terms. According to the founding fathers of the United States, a single person in power for more than 8 years can lead to dictatorship and the curtailment of all freedoms.

The US presidential election is a multi-stage procedure. On average, it lasts a year and a half. Moreover, an active discussion of possible applicants begins a year before the start of the race, so when asked how often they choose the president in the USA, we can say that this is an ongoing process. Several stages can be distinguished in the procedure: nomination of candidates, primaries and caucus (that is, primary elections), approval of a party representative at the national congress and the elections themselves.


So, in any case, either a democrat or a republican becomes president. Who decides which party member to go to the polls? Given the great degree of responsibility, there is a system of primaries - preliminary voting to determine a candidate from Republicans and Democrats. This is a very important point to understand how the US electoral system works.

Each state has its own primary election procedure, voting methods. But the essence remains the same - delegates are elected who will determine at the final congress who will represent the party in the US presidential election.

There may be situations when there may be defectors from one camp to another. But this is an extremely rare case, and such an incident arises only when not a single candidate has managed to secure the majority of the delegates.

There is such a curious day as Super Tuesday. On the first Tuesday of February, primary elections are held in many states at once.

Primaries are a very fascinating sight, they are held from February to June of the year in which the elections are held. The Americans follow their interim results, just like football fans in Europe for the national championship standings.

When does the most important thing begin?

The terms of the US presidential election for the third century remain unchanged. As it should be in a decent Anglo-Saxon country, here they pay great respect to laws, traditions and, without urgent need, do not change anything. The first Tuesday of November is the day that the US presidential election takes place in 2020, 2024, and so on ad infinitum every four years. It was established in 1845 and continues to this day.

Why tuesday? It's all about farmers. The United States in the XIX century was an agricultural country. Most voters represented the country's agricultural regions. The journey to and from the polling station took one to two days. And on Sunday it was necessary to go to church. So we chose the most convenient day of the week to visit the temple and choose the president.


Citizens of European countries and Russia are accustomed to the sacred formula: the principle of direct, equal and secret ballot. The US electoral system is a little different. here do not include the principle of direct voting. Citizens elect delegates - electors, who, in turn, choose the country's leader.

Together with the first person in the state, US citizens also receive a vice president, who comes with him in the same team. They are the only people in the country who are elected precisely at the federal level, that is, they represent the interests of the whole country, and not of any particular state.

Board composition

It is impossible to understand how the president is elected in the United States without understanding the method of determining the electoral college. A voter comes to the polling station and, voting for his candidate, thereby casting votes for his team of representatives. Then, these delegates by formal vote and consolidate the election of the president.

As a rule, the most authoritative representatives of each state are appointed to the electoral team. It can be congressmen, senators or simply respected people.

Each state nominates such a number of electors that is proportional to the number of people with voting rights and living in it. This formula applies - as many electors as there are elected state deputies to Congress plus 2 people.

For example, California could represent the largest number of delegates in 2016 - 55 people. The smallest - sparsely populated states, such as Utah, Alaska and some others - 3 people each. In total, the board consists of 538 people. To win, the votes of 270 electors are needed.

A look into the history of government

It is difficult for a citizen of unitary, centralized states to understand why the Americans have so complicated their election scheme. The thing is that initially the United States was not a single country with a tough

The name United States (literally, “United States”) indicates that it was a union of equal states. Only the most difficult questions they submitted to the federal authority in Washington - the army, foreign exchange regulation, and foreign policy. All other internal affairs were dealt exclusively with local authorities.

Until now, for example, there is no single authority governing police forces. The police in each state report directly to the regional authorities and are independent of the capital.

The meaning of the electoral scheme

Each state values \u200b\u200bits rights. Therefore, on such an important issue, a system was developed in which the president was elected precisely by representatives from each subject of the federation, and not by a simple arithmetic majority. Otherwise, such large states as California or New York could simply impose their will on all other states at the expense of a larger population. And so, only in the case of support throughout the country, the candidate will be able to become a national leader.

That is, the essence of this scheme is support for the principle of federalism in the United States.

Disputes around the electoral system

With such a system, some paradoxes are possible. An applicant who receives more votes than his opponent can safely lose to him because of fewer electors.

The reason is as follows. It is already clear, in general, how the president is elected in the United States. The scheme is that it is appointed by an electoral college assembled from all states.

The highlight of the system is that the principle applies: all or nothing. It doesn’t matter whether the candidate won, say in California, with a 99% to 1% margin, or won by a single vote. In any case, he gets the entire electoral quota assigned to this state (in this case, 55 people).

That is, the overwhelming majority of voters in the largest regions (California, New York) can vote for a Democratic candidate and thereby ensure that he has an arithmetic majority of votes throughout the country. But if there is no support in other states, there is no victory. Thus, the principle of equivalence of one vote is violated to some extent. A voter somewhere in Utah or Alaska "weighs" more than in California or New York.

Disputes over the need for reform have been ongoing for a long time, but given the traditional conservatism of Americans in the field of laws, changes will take a long time.

The reason for Trump's victory in the 2016 elections

This is what happened in the recent US elections. More people voted for Clinton. But the majority was ensured by the overwhelming superiority of Democrats in those states where traditionally all electors are given to them. Trump's victory was that he was able to win in those states where voters have not yet decided clearly on their preferences.

There are several wavering states where there are no pronounced preferences for Democrats or Republicans. Three to four large ones are significant. In turn, the most important of them is Florida, which delegated 27 electors. Almost always a winner in Florida and becomes president of the country. In other words, the whole point of the election campaign is to secure an advantage in three or four of the 50 states!

This is what Donald Trump did. He neglected the struggle in California and New York, hopeless for him, and concentrated all his power exactly where it was required.

Historical incidents

Today it’s clear how the president is elected in the United States. But at the dawn of statehood, complex questions arose.

With equal votes, the president was elected by the House of Representatives. That is how Jefferson was elected in 1800 and Adams in 1824. Such a rule still exists today, but in practice it does not reach this point, since the struggle is waged only between two real applicants. Although, given the even number of electors, this option is theoretically possible.

Technical subtleties, terms

So, nationwide elections took place, the electoral college is determined. Delegates, not traveling outside their states, gather in December, the day determined by constitution. A formal voting procedure is taking place. A protocol is drawn up and sent to Congress, where a special commission and consolidates the voting results.

Following approval by Congress and the Senate, in early 2017, Donald Trump will officially assume the duties of president. According to the constitution, an inauguration ceremony is due on January 20.

It’s not easy to figure out how to choose a president in the United States. For this, it is necessary to turn to the history of the country, to understand its traditions, the mentality of people. The US presidential election is an exciting and interesting show, regardless of a person’s political preferences.

The current election campaign in the United States claims to be the most interesting and shocking. The 2016 elections, which began as very boring and predictable, unexpectedly turned into an enchanting show for everyone.
  According to the plan of the "screenwriters" of the current election, Jeb Bush and Hillary Clinton were to reach the final. And at first everything went smoothly. But the bright, assertive and expressive Donald Trump burst into the quiet swamp of the American establishment. Against the background of his outstanding talent as a public speaker, all the stars of the Republican Party turned out to be small dull points. One by one, seasoned politicians dropped out of the election race, and the Bush’s protege, Jeb Bush, turned out to be the Republican’s main outsider.

  Democrats also started an intrigue. Suddenly, the socialist Bernie Sanders, who was put on the list purely nominally - for the sake of competition, gained immense popularity among the members of the Democratic Party, almost catching up with Hillary Clinton in the ranking. The media even leaked facts of rigging the results of primaries in some states in favor of Clinton. But judging by the lack of reaction to this, even from the side of Sanders, his exit to the election finals was not planned in any way. Which confirms the theory of the existence of a clear election plan and the already agreed next US president.
  No less interesting nuance of this elective company is the fact that the two candidates, Trump and Clinton, as if joined by a third - Vladimir Putin. Not in the literal sense of course. But the attitude to Russia in general, and to Putin in particular, has become one of the most important arguments in favor of this or that candidate. It got to the point that they began to accuse Putin of directly interfering in the elections. Nonsense of course, but articles on this topic are published in all seriousness at the most reputable American publishers.
  And as you know, if a person talks for a long time about the same thing, then he reflexively begins to think that way. American society is clearly and openly zombified, inspiring the image of Russia as the enemy of the entire civilized world, the enemy who needs to be given a stiff rebuff and, if possible, destroyed, in the minds of ordinary people.

Hillary Clinton, who at the current election has become the mouthpiece of the forces longing for an open confrontation with Moscow, is the protagonist of this war party. This is precisely the group that is consistently implementing the plan to divide Russia into several ethnic states, deprived of the opportunity to pursue an independent policy. The purpose of these actions is to destroy their main adversary in the political arena, closely approaching undivided rule on the planet. The next step will be to conduct similar actions with China. After the collapse of these powerful states, the United States will be able to complete a plan to build a New World Order - a world order in which all natural wealth, agricultural land and production capacity will be divided between several American clans.

  And everything would be smooth, not Clinton, so Bush doesn’t matter who will carry out the policy, the US president is just a tool with which commands are issued. The main thing is in whose hands this instrument is located. But then Donald Trump burst into the political arena - a very bright and ambiguous man. Billionaire, owner of a casino, Miss Universe contest, host of his own television show - this person does not fit into the image of an American politician in any way, and all the more difficult to imagine him as president of the country.
  Despite the shocking behavior, Trump offers a completely robust program. Firstly, he is opposed to US interference in all international disassemblies, respectively, the share of funding by the States of the NATO army should be significantly reduced. Secondly, Trump considers it necessary to ban American companies from placing their production in third countries. Thus, hundreds of thousands of jobs will return to the country. Thirdly, in his opinion, it is necessary to tighten migration policy, restricting the entry into the United States of unreliable elements from Latin America, the Middle East and other problematic regions. And finally, fourthly (the most important thing for us), Trump advocates improving relations with Russia, recognizing Crimea as Russian territory and lifting sanctions.

Trump is accused of populism in the United States. In my opinion, his program has nothing to do with trying to please the crowd in any way. On the contrary, these are quite reasonable arguments aimed at improving the economic situation within the country (US public debt reached an astronomical figure of $ 18 trillion!) And normalizing relations with other countries. Rather, populism is dealt with by his opponent, Hillary Clinton, who has settled the topic of the “Russian threat” and built her program on the confrontation between Russia and America. But she is presented as a balanced and predictable politician.
  It is unpredictability that blames Trump. But what is unpredictable in it? In fact, Trump is not unpredictable, he is uncomfortable. The authorities in the United States are completely unsure that Trump will unquestioningly carry out their will (unlike Clinton) and they do not intend to take risks. The US electoral system is structured in such a cunning way that a candidate can become the president, for whom a minority of voters will vote. Indeed, in the States there is no direct election of the president; he is elected by a college of electors, which is created by a complex formula for the proportional representation of states. Not even every employee of the Russian election commission can understand how this board is composed, but for a simple American voter, it’s space at all.
  The creators of the indirect US presidential election system themselves justified its need for so-called "crowd protection." In their opinion, the choice of the majority of citizens does not always benefit the state, therefore there should be a body that corrects the opinion of the people. This body is the electoral college, which ultimately will vote for the “right” candidate. This is American democracy.

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        In your articles, it is your personal attitude and analysis of the topic that is valuable. You do not drop this blog, I often look here. There should be a lot of us. To me on e-mail The mail recently received a proposal that they will learn to trade on Amazon and eBay. And I remembered about your detailed articles about these bargaining. area I re-read it all over and concluded that the courses are a scam. I haven’t bought anything on eBay myself. I am not from Russia, but from Kazakhstan (Almaty). But we, too, do not need extra spending yet. I wish you good luck and take care of yourself in Asian lands.

  • It's also nice that eBay’s efforts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS have begun to bear fruit. Indeed, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR are not strong in their knowledge of foreign languages. English is spoken by no more than 5% of the population. Among young people - more. Therefore, at least an interface in Russian is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. Ebey did not follow the path of his Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine translation (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) is made of a description of the goods. I hope that at a more advanced stage in the development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on ebay with a Russian interface, but an English-language description):