Horoscope of compatibility: flowers according to the zodiac signs Libra - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Flowers, herbs, plants and trees are controlled by the zodiac signs. For representatives of each sign there are flowers and plants that bring good luck and love in accordance with the zodiacal influence.

Knowing these astrological patterns is useful if you want to give flowers as a sign of love and respect.

If you like indoor flowers, give preference to those that match your zodiac sign, they will help create an atmosphere of harmony and prosperity in your home.

   The Aries sign is ruled by the planet Mars. Flowers and plants that bring luck Aries: honeysuckle, cactus, red roses, poppy, tulip, red pepper, amaryllis, all red flowers.

Gentian - attracts money and love

Hawthorn - for healing and protection

Snapdragon - for love

Orchid - protects from enemies and helps seduce a person who likes

Aries is a sign of Fire, the representatives of this sign are lucky with flowers and plants that belong to the elements of Fire: linden, calendula, orange, mint, rosemary, sunflower, mountain ash, yucca.

   Taurus is under the control of the planet Venus. Flowers and plants that bring luck to this zodiac sign: rose, poppy, digitalis, lavender, lilac, aster, lily of the valley, sweet peas, flowers of all fruit trees.

Violet - attracts money

Apple tree flowers - for love and a successful marriage

Cherry flowers - for love and a successful marriage

Geranium - for health

Hyacinth - for health and happiness

Taurus is a sign of the Earth. Flowers and plants that are under the control of the elements of the Earth are good for this sign: buckwheat, cotton, fern, honeysuckle, oleander, tulip, verbena, wheat.

   The sign of Gemini is ruled by Mercury. Flowers and plants that bring good luck to this sign of the zodiac: lavender, cherry blossoms, buttercup, coriander, acacia, mimosa, daffodil, lily, cactus.

Clover - for health and well-being

Schisandra - for health and protection

Fern - for stamina and physical strength

Gemini is a sign of Air. This sign is suitable for flowers and plants that are under the control of the elements of Air: borage, hazel. palm tree, sage.

The zodiac sign Cancer is ruled by the moon. Flowers and plants that bring luck to this sign: all white flowers, especially roses, chamomile, cornflower, fern, passionflower, hydrangea, iris.

Melissa - for health and happiness

Rose - for love and fidelity

Gardenia - for love and a successful marriage

Lily - for love

Lotus - for peace, emotional balance and spiritual development

Cancer is a sign of Water. Representatives of this zodiac sign are suitable plants and flowers, which are controlled by the elements of Water: sea buckthorn, lilac, peach flowers, poppy.

   The zodiac sign Leo is under the control of the Sun. Good luck flowers and plants for this zodiac sign: marigolds, sunflowers, gerberas, dahlias.

Clove - for love and marriage

Heliotrope - for fame and influence

Juniper - for health and protection

Linden flowers - for self-control

Willow - for healing and peace

Leo is a sign of Fire. For representatives of this sign, flowers and plants of the elements of Fire are favorable, the same as for Aries. In addition, the sign Leo corresponds to: olives, pineapples, rosemary, ruta, saffron.

   The sign Virgo is ruled by the planet Mercury. Flowers and plants for good luck to the representatives of this zodiac sign: buttercup, aconite, St. John's wort, chrysanthemum, eucalyptus, violet, ivy, thistle flowers.

Orange flowers - for love and wealth

Lavender - for peace and health

Lemon grass - for health and protection

Mulberry - for protection and happiness

Virgo is a sign of the Earth. For representatives of this sign, plants and flowers related to the elements of the Earth are favorable: barley, fern, horsetail, magnolia, patchouli, peas and primrose.

   Libra's zodiac sign is under the control of the planet Venus. Flowers and plants for good luck with this sign: bell, rose, orchid, gardenia, tea rose, tuberose, gladiolus.

Iris - for wealth and career

Heather - for love

Lilac - for love

Pear flowers - for health and protection

Violet - for wealth and glory

Libra is a sign of Air. Weights bring flowers and plants that are controlled by the elements of Air: clover, dandelion, lemongrass, marjoram, mistletoe, papyrus, pine, elm, anise.

   The zodiac sign Scorpio is ruled by the planets Pluto and Mars. Flowers and plants that attract good luck to the representatives of this zodiac sign: orchid, geranium, ginger, hibiscus, peony, cactus, all dark red flowers.

Broom - for protection and money

Holly - for protection, especially for children

Milk thistle - for health and protection

Snapdragon - for love

Yucca - for love and money

Scorpio is a sign of Water. Flowers and plants that are controlled by the elements of Water will bring luck to this watermark: aster, camellia, cherry, cyclamen, lavender, chamomile, strawberry, lily.

The Sagittarius sign is ruled by the planet Jupiter. Flowers and plants that bring good luck to this zodiac sign: carnation, lily, crocus.

Borage - for money, health and protection

Sagittarius is a sign of Fire. This sign of the zodiac will bring good luck to the flowers and plants that are controlled by the element of Fire: rice, gentian, juniper, honeysuckle, pineapple, rosemary, mountain ash and snapdragon.

   Capricorn is ruled by Saturn. Flowers and plants that bring luck to Capricorn: tulip, violet, philodendron, snowdrop, jasmine flowers.

Belladonna - for protection

Ivy - for wealth

Pansies - For Money

Quince flowers - for love and wealth

The sign of Capricorn is controlled by the elements of the Earth. For Capricorn, flowers and plants of the Earth's elements are favorable: fern, horsetail, magnolia, oats, oleander, primrose, rye and wheat.

   The sign of Aquarius is ruled by the planets Uranus and Saturn. Aquarius brings luck flowers and plants: orchid, lily, lily of the valley, aloe.

Belladonna - for protection

Ivy - for wealth

Bindweed - for health and love

Mimosa - for love

Aquarius is a sign of Air. Suitable for Aquarius are flowers and plants that are under the control of the elements of Air: borage, chicory, clover, dandelion, papyrus, pine, sage.

   The Pisces sign is ruled by the planets Neptune and Jupiter. Flowers and plants that bring luck to Pisces: lily, violet, papyrus, lilac, daffodil, gypsophila.

Dandelion - for money and health

Honeysuckle - for wealth and fidelity in love

Hyssop - for health and true love

Linden flowers - for charm and appeal

Maple - for physical strength

Pisces is a sign of Water. Flowers and plants that are controlled by the elements of Water bring good luck to this zodiac sign: camellia, cherry, crocus, lotus, thyme.

  Flower horoscope Libra: plants, flowers and trees of the sign of Libra

PLANTS of the Libra zodiac sign according to Celtic and the horoscope of Druids

Astrologers attribute libra sign   to the air element, patronized by Venus and Saturn. The goddess of love endowed all Libra's plants with beautiful flowers and juicy fruits. But Saturn gave them strong straight stems.

Scales love everything that is beautiful, and therefore, surround themselves with rare, elegant-looking flowers.

Did you see a houseplant on the windowsill with small, but very bright flowers? Be sure - a representative of the Libra sign lives in this house.

Libra Mascot Flowers

Libra - intellectuals, diplomats and incorrigible romantics. And their mascot flowers are exactly the same - strict, but able to impress anyone with their calm, slightly cold beauty.

Each representative of the plant world, relating to Libra, as if surrounded by a halo of beauty and grace, and is able to give everyone around the world harmony in relationships. Here astrologers include:

All the flowers of Libra are different, but they share several common properties - they all give good luck in love and give their owners an excellent sense of taste.

Hydrangea   like no other plant corresponds to the nature of Libra, because it needs constant care and attention. And having received proper care, he will certainly present his master with beautiful magnificent flowering. Hydrangea can save Libra from melancholy thoughts and sadness.

But the rose will certainly protect all representatives of this sign from evil spirits and the evil eye. Rose is a true embodiment of graceful beauty and something mysterious. A similar contradiction is precisely in the spirit of Libra.

Creative Libra does not hurt to plant codium. This flower nourishes the atmosphere around with calmness, and, on the contrary, absorbs all excessive ardor and fussiness. Astrologers advise those who are in the everlasting search for Libra to start a chrysanthemum - it will help doubters to come to terms with their inner "I".

Libra Mascot Trees

If Libra finds their tree, this natural talisman will protect it and give strength for great achievements. According to the horoscope, astrologers refer to the trees of Libra - olive, hazel, maple, mountain ash, cherry, alder.

From any tree it is easy to make a charm that will surround its owner with a protective aura.

Olive helps Libra in difficult situations, pushing to make the right decision and teaching to think outside the box. Everyone will be able to make an amulet of olive - a bone is taken from the fetus, washed, dried and placed in a tissue bag. Rowan will help Libra reach career heights - just put her dried branch in her workplace. But the maple will certainly protect all representatives of this zodiac sign from stress.

Plants of other zodiac signs:

Plants matching the zodiac sign Libra by horoscope

Plants and flowers for Libra

When choosing indoor plants for Libra, one should take into account the fact that these people are controlled by the planet Venus, which endowed them with sympathy for everything beautiful and extraordinary.

In this regard, Libra plants must certainly bloom beautifully or delight the eyes with brightly colored foliage.

In addition to Venus, the representative of this sign is also affected by the strong planet Saturn.

That is why correctly selected flowers for Libra will have smooth, strong stems and deep roots. As a rule, Libra plants suppress negative energy, creating a harmonious relationship between partners and lovers.

Representatives of all other zodiac signs can also grow flowers and plants belonging to Libra if they want to improve relations with their half.

The horoscope advises the representatives of this zodiac sign to plant linden, maple, mountain ash, rowan, birch or olive tree in their area.   It should be noted that any Libra tree mascot is a real source of energy and creative abilities.

What house plants and flowers are suitable for Libra?

Considering the question of which house plants and flowers are suitable for Libra, you need to pay attention to the most sophisticated and extraordinary plants, especially if they will have a high price.

Often there are such representatives of this sign who never plant flowers, despite the fact that they always want it.

If this person gets a flower, then orchid, rose, gloxinia, cineraria or nerter are the most popular indoor plants for Libra.

All of these flowers are very demanding on lighting, frequency of watering, temperature and other living conditions.

Nevertheless, if these are indoor flowers for Aries woman, you can be sure that she will certainly comply with all necessary conditions.

Chrysanthemum, as well as azalea, are suitable indoor plants for Libra.   The only thing to keep in mind: both flowers love coolness, as well as frequent spraying and watering.

Horoscope Flowers by Horoscope

It should be noted that the most suitable plants for rooms where aggressive and rude people live with dictator's inclinations are Libra flowers, which tend to draw negative energy and create a positive aura.

The most suitable flower of Libra according to the horoscope is Decembrist, which especially favorably affects egocentric persons.

Often this plant is grown in offices where relations between employees are strained.

In such a room, the flowers according to the zodiac sign Libra create the necessary atmosphere of friendliness and warmth.

In addition, correctly selected Libra flowers will help to establish relationships not only with colleagues, but also with business partners or management.

If the fair sex decides to choose a mascot flower for herself to maintain passion and harmony in bed, she should pay attention to the orchid - the most suitable flower for Libra women.

Growing gloxinia can also have a beneficial effect on family relationships.   This plant can be planted, thinking about which flowers are suitable for Libra, because it will help to express all your feelings.

Horoscope Libra Trees

It is very important for the representative of each sign to choose the right tree that will serve him as a talisman. When considering the question of which tree is suitable for Libra, one should take into account the fact that trees can be divided into two categories: those that take energy, and those that give it.

According to the horoscope, the Tree of Libra should not only have a beneficial effect on his mood, but also protect against diseases and ailments.

Astrologers believe that if you choose the right tree, it can even cure chronic diseases.

For those representatives of this zodiac sign who were born at the end of September, the best option may be olive, which will protect them from stress and overwork. In addition, this Libra talisman tree will help develop intuition, and the ability to act quickly in any situation.

Hazel is a rather popular tree of the zodiac sign Libra for those who were born in early October, but those who were born closer to the middle of this month should grow rowan in their area or store a twig in their room.

Maple can have the most beneficial effect on the representatives of this sign, who were born in late October.

Nevertheless, any tree of Libra according to the horoscope can attract luck and relieve stress, regardless of birthday or zodiac sign.

Scales: characteristic and description

Learn all the fun of Libra. This information will help you succeed in dealing with the representative of this sign, avoid quarrels and find common interests.

Horoscope Flower by horoscope | Libra - flower of the zodiac sign

   Libra is very gentle, romantic and sophisticated. The flower of Libra according to the horoscope is a miracle of nature, they can elevate the charm of this creation, sing the aromas. If you give flowers to the scales, they can identify you with them.

Which flower suits Libra according to the horoscope

From the whole spectrum of useful properties that are characteristic of Libra plants, two of the most universal are distinguished. This, of course, is the formation of an excellent taste and a great influence on partnerships.

We can say that for the harmony that creates a favorable environment, partnerships, their sign takes responsibility. Indeed, it is the special features of the scales that have an excellent grip in creating strong partnerships, as well as marriage.

Saturn and Venus awarded Libra plants the ability to develop a delicate, refined taste in humans. They also contribute to the development of an understanding of aesthetic beauty.

Libra can be given without hesitation to give roses, the main emphasis must be placed on symmetry, which is one of the features of good taste. One of the most successful gifts will be roses of delicate colors, such as light shades of pink, light lilac, white. It should be noted that they can easily abandon lush roses crawling delicate tulips.

Thanks to the loving, romantic goddess of love, Venus, the zodiac sign scales the flower of plants and fruits, under its gentle white light, have always been distinguished by their beauty, they are bright, attractive, and the strong planet Saturn, strengthens the tiny green sprouts, allowing you to strengthen the stems and stay out firm and straight. Libra plants can be useful not only to people who were born under this zodiac sign.

Libra is very fond of flowers. But for them it is important that these flowers are a symbol of something. Of the most basic colors that have an effect on a given zodiac sign, the following can be distinguished.

Indoor Scales

Horoscope flower by the horoscope: hybrid heliotrope, azalea, hibiscus, pineapple, hydrangea, croton, truncated zogocactus, chilli pepper, camellia, small-colored chrysanthemum and Japanese fatsia. People who have the zodiac sign Libra is a flower, and it is better to name even a few plants, experts do not recommend growing such specimens as agave, echmea, dracaena, begonia and Kalanchoe.

For representatives of this zodiac sign, it is important that the flower of Libra according to the horoscope was not simply beautiful, in terms of their high level of aesthetics, but also be a kind of talisman or amulet. It is important here that the flower does not so much “bring something”, but does not make it possible to disrupt its inner world.

Violet for scales is a symbol of friendship. They are really very open and sociable people, especially if they find something interesting in someone. They are excellent partners, reliable support and are always ready to help. Violet gives strength to the scales for such actions.

Hydrangea - this flower helps the scales to get rid of heavy thoughts. And they often need this. The amazing ability of this flower is that it, in some magical way, is able to neutralize the negative emotions that the scales are experiencing.

Orchid is a source of energy for the balance. This is how they affect the people of this zodiac. In addition, she rewards her master with a good mood and optimism, which will not interfere with the scales in any areas of her activity.

Garden Flowers Libra

Marigolds are a flower of scales, which almost everywhere should accompany a representative of this zodiac sign. These flowers contribute to the internal harmonization of scales, they relieve psychological stress, soothe various mental suffering.

A rose is a symbol of love. But in the case of weights, this is a parameter of variability. Depending on which roses love your scales, you can judge its nature. At the same time, a rose can often cause not only constant variability, but also treason.

Oh, this is one of the most interesting colors that can have an effect on the scales. It is a symbol of constant youth, and freshness. And due to the fact that the scales never complain about low self-esteem, the lilac simply adds them strength and self-confidence. It is this flower that can make a person purposeful.

As you can see, all these flowers are different. They have their own influence. And what better not to do is not to combine them into one bouquet. Each flower carries its own information, therefore, in combination with any other, the positive effect may decrease or disappear altogether.


Diary Search


Flowers for Aries

ARIES is primarily a fire hazard sign, which means that of the whole range of shades this lady prefers red. Aries's classic favorite flower is a dahlia. Also, carnations, tulips, poppies, gerberas and, of course, roses are appropriate for him. The main condition for Aries is the color of bright shades without impurities. It is advisable for Aries to give violets, cornflower, sweet peas, anemone (anemone), digitalis, hydrangea - these flowers will help them open the heart chakra.

Flowers for Taurus

Taurus will be delighted with both a modest bunch of daisies and a solemn bouquet of majestic lilies. Still presented with lilac and lily of the valley, they definitely soften the famous stubbornness of Taurus.

Flowers for Gemini

For GEMINI, jasmine, daffodil, poppies are good - they will remind of self-esteem. And curiosity and striving for originality leave their mark on floristic preferences. It will be wonderful if there is a rare or exotic flower. Cost does not matter.

Flowers for Cancer

CANCERS need all white flowers: they will exalt this sign. Crayfish are true connoisseurs of flowers, so hackwork will not work here, the choice of colors for this sign should be treated with all responsibility. The basic requirements for the bouquet are simple to tears: expensive and very fresh flowers with a perfect combination of plants and quality packaging without tinsel and other vulgarity. The element of Crayfish is Water, therefore it is not by chance that the water lily and reeds became their talismans. In general, all white and delicate flowers are suitable for the emotional and sensitive representatives of this sign: jasmine, honeysuckle, delphinium.

Flowers for Leo

LEO is a positive kysa. Remember the little lion’s song about the sun? In Druids, the sign of Leo in a horoscope is a sunflower. For those who did not catch the connection - when choosing flowers for Leo, you need to give preference to yellow. Yellow water lilies, golden chrysanthemums, mimosa or even tea roses - this is what makes this kysa smile - these flowers have a beneficial effect on the nervous system of Lviv.

Flowers for Virgin

VIRGINS are given asters of various colors - they will strengthen their romantic feelings. Plants of the Virgo sign provide an opportunity to maintain the body in good health and develop intelligence. Among the plants of this sign are found both fruit, which in addition to beauty are beneficial (for example, self-pollinating cucumbers), and decorative species. Since Virgo is quite flexible, many vines with a flexible stem also belong to this sign. Virgo plants provide an opportunity to control the flow of thought and restrain emotions, contribute to intellectual work.

Flowers for Libra

LIBRA love rare flowers. This does not mean that the bouquet should consist of rarely planted flowers, the flowers should be - exotic, but rather unique. For starters, you can try to surprise Libra, for example, with freesia or Japanese gladiolus. Even Libra is preferable to give callas, chamomiles, phloxes - they will develop emotionality in them.

Flowers for Scorpio

SCORPIO are more suitable for chrysanthemums, carnations, bright peonies - these flowers will enhance their sensuality.

Flowers for Sagittarius

SAGITTARIUS should give lilacs, roses, blue cornflowers and tulips - they will beneficially affect their intelligence.

For good luck in business, fulfillment of desires, gaining wisdom, it is important to have a Sagittarius plant in the house. As a rule, these are tall plants, stretching up their peduncles. They are noticeable, bright, often used for interior design of office premises and large spaces. With the increase in flower shape, the size of the plant also increases.

Flowers for Capricorn

CAPRICORN - does not like to be trifled. It is best to pick up a large armful of flowers that together would look harmonious. Plants such as buttercup, sweet peas, heather, ivan tea, sunflower and other field luxuries will appeal to Capricorn. Exotic is not his passion, Capricorn is a person. Capricorns need to give any terry flowers with a strong, spicy smell and bird cherry. These flowers will strengthen the romantic spiritual side, make them responsible in love.

Flowers for Aquarius

AQUARIUS - contemplative. A lush bouquet is completely optional for him. Aquarius, with pleasure can admire one single flower for 36-48 hours, which is very profitable. It will be great if “sweets” are attached to the colors. Aquarius flowers - orchids, tulips or any other bulbous: Such flowers will allow this sign to quickly find the right solution to any problem.

Flowers for Fish

Flower horoscope by date of birth is considered very popular when it comes to the nature of a person and the definition of his features. It is believed that it was created by the Druids - those who own the authorship and the tree horoscope.

The flower horoscope divides all people into 36 types, each of which has its own flower. The division occurs by date of birth.

The flower horoscope arose not by chance. Even the ancient druids noticed that plants affect each person differently and each tree, each flower has its own energy.

In the flower horoscope, each time interval corresponds to its own patron plant. It not only gives a person born in this period its healing and life-giving power, but also affects individual traits of his character.

So, people born on the same day, but in different years, will belong to the same flower. In addition, the flower horoscope not only describes the character of a person, but can also indicate the compatibility of different types.

Also, this horoscope is considered very popular in wishes, which contain congratulations in verse and prose, because it allows you to make an original gift when congratulations are accompanied by a patron flower.

Flower horoscope for months

Monthdate ofFlower
January1-10 1. Gentian
11-20 2. Thistle
21-31 3. Immortelle
February1-10 4. Mistletoe
11-20 5. Belladonna
21-29 6. Mimosa
March1-10 7. Mac
11-20 8. Lily
21-31 9. Digitalis
April1-10 10. Magnolia
11-20 11. Hydrangea
21-30 12. Dahlia
May1-10 13. Lily of the valley
11-20 14. Purslane
21-31 15. Chamomile
June1-10 16. The bell
11-21 17. Daisy
22-1 18. Tulip
July2-12 19. Water Lily
13-23 20. Violet
24-2 21. Rosehip
August3-12 22. Sunflower
13-23 23. Rose
24-2 24. Delphinium
September3-11 25. Carnation
12-22 26. Astra
23-3 27. Heather
October4-13 28. Camellia
14-23 29. Lilac
24-2 30. Freesia
November3-12 31. Orchid
13-22 32. Peony
23-2 33. Gladiolus
December3-12 34. Dandelion
13-22 35. Lotus
23-31 36. Edelweiss

January flowers


Gentian flowers are found in Central Europe, as well as in Asia Minor and prefer sunny mountain meadows. Gentian can reach a height of one and a half meters and is used as a medicinal plant.

Behind the external secrecy of a man born under the auspices of Gentian, shyness and vulnerability are hidden. In fact, the Gentian man is good-natured and sweet. He loves heat and light, seeks the sun. Such a person is very uncomfortable in winter and autumn. He should take a vacation in the cold season and leave for the warm sea. If this is not possible, do not despair - visit at least a solarium.

The flower horoscope tells us that the Gentian man is very friendly and attentive to loved ones. He usually has many friends. He is appreciated for modesty and kindness. The gentian does not like noisy gatherings and parties. He prefers to spend evenings with his family.

Perhaps the biggest misfortune of the Gentian is that this person is subject to causeless fears - he is worried for any reason. It is difficult for him to make a decision, he hesitates all the time, weighs everything, it is very difficult for him to choose something on his own. In this case, seek advice and help Gentian in no hurry.

Advice to Gentians: trust yourself more! Your wisdom and intuition will tell you what to do! Believe in yourself and your abilities!


The name "thistle" in the Old Russian language meant "scaring the devils." Wickedness (or, in modern terms, negative energy) is actually afraid of it. Thistles were hung at the entrance to the house to protect themselves from evil forces.

The place where this flower grew was considered bad, and people bypassed it. Thistle protects from evil eyes, spoilage, evil spirits. He reaches his greatest power at the time of flowering.

The man who patronizes the Thistle is outwardly inconspicuous. He is never in the spotlight. At the same time, he is very active, sometimes even fussy - so he struggles to achieve the location of others.

Of course, the Thistle people achieve their goal, but only in part. Not everyone is able to discern their true essence, to understand that in fact Thistles are kind, decent and disinterested. They are simply somewhat closed and shy.

According to the flower horoscope, the most important trouble of the Thistle is that he takes up work that he is not able to do, tries to take on an unbearable burden. When he understands this, he can quit without hesitation. This feature of the Thistle often annoys others and greatly damages its reputation. Thistle loves and appreciates family and friends. In his value system, the family takes the first place, and friends - the second.

Advice to Thistles: Protect your nervous system from overload. Keep fit. Health is your main wealth. Do not waste it ahead of time.


In the flower horoscope, Immortelle is an energetically very strong flower. It helps a person to overcome many ailments. It is curious that he himself chooses a master with whom he shares his energy.

The man to whom the Immortelle patronizes is a dandy and a mod. Such a person is endowed with impeccable taste and a sense of style, never looks vulgar or vulgar. The Immortelle creates his own unique image. And here everything matters - hair and makeup, and plastic movements, and gestures, and behavior.

The nature of the Immortal man is controversial. He is modest and simple and would like to spend his life in a secluded place, for example, in a country house. But more often than not, his life takes place in endless negotiations, receptions and receptions. He becomes a regular character in socialite chronicles. He has a group of “fans” and, of course, envious people.

Many consider him mediocrity and a lucky upstart. But these people do not know or do not want to believe that the Immortelle has achieved everything himself. He is hardworking and talented. For the sake of his goal, he is ready to turn mountains. However, he rarely seeks help, but is always ready to help his neighbor.

Advice to the Immortals: Remember that not all people are as strong as you. Learn to forgive people their weaknesses, be more tolerant of them.

February flowers


The name of this flower translated from Latin means "white bird glue." The ancient Celts worshiped Mistletoe as a sacred flower. It was believed that mistletoe appears on a tree as a result of a lightning strike.

In connection with this belief, there was a rite of burning the mistletoe flower. So people hoped to protect themselves from lightning strikes. In addition, it was believed that this flower opens all the locks and bolts. However, the most valuable property of mistletoe is protection from witchcraft, damage, evil eye.

The man who patronizes Mistletoe, has an attractive appearance. He is endowed with a fantastic charm and it is impossible to resist his charms. Therefore, the mistletoe-man is always surrounded by fans. Flower horoscope for women and men Mistletoe is very opposite.

Mistletoe women   - real fatal beauties. Because of them, men have always competed. The mistletoe woman is capable of decisive acts for the sake of love. Despite the fact that comfort and luxury are of great importance for her, she can follow her lover even to the ends of the world. However, it should be remembered that the mistletoe's feelings are strong, but, alas, are not durable. She is quickly bored with unsettled life or unstable income.

Mistletoe Men   must take care of their physical fitness, move more, play sports. Most often they become athletes. They are strong, agile, graceful. The Mistletoe man is jealous like Othello, and truly terrible in anger. It’s better not to conflict with this. He does not fail, victory is the only possible result for him.

Advice to Mistletoe: Remember that the body shell, even the most attractive, without spiritual content means nothing. Try to find time for education and self-improvement, do not neglect spiritual food.


Flower Belladonna is quite inconspicuous and dim. Nevertheless, it carries the enormous potential of positive energy. People born under the patronage of Krasavki are modest and full of virtues. They work hard and hard, and this work is always appreciated.

The Man-Pretty Woman has virtually no financial problems. After all, he is not inclined to litter with honestly earned money, he always lives within his means. He very rarely takes money in debt, only in the most extreme cases.

Beauty Man is sincere and straightforward. He does not know how to flatter and does not tolerate toadies. Friends know this feature of Belladonna and never take offense at his harsh statements. In addition, Pretty Woman never lies. If such a person is faced with a choice to tell a lie or to remain silent, he will remain silent, but he will not go to deception.

Pretty Woman   a great shy person by nature. But she never misses being alone. She has plenty of cavaliers. She is a beautiful mother and faithful wife, she will never betray her chosen one.

Beauty Man   different strength and extraordinary stamina. Hardworking and purposeful, they always achieve a high position in society.

Advice to Beauties: Be softer and more tender. Look at the world with wide eyes. Remember that in the world there is not only black and white. The world is full of all kinds of colors!


Mimosa flower in most people is associated with the onset of spring. However, this modest flower the Celts endowed with special magical properties and assigned him a special place in the flower horoscope.

A person born under the auspices of Mimosa is very sensitive. He does not have a firm confidence in his abilities and self-esteem is often underestimated. He is very sensitive to the fruits of his labors, is painfully undergoing criticism, and may become depressed due to malicious mockery or a reproach cast in passing.

Mimosa Man is trying his best, working not for fear, but for conscience. Approval and support are very important to him, especially from the family and leadership. Unfortunately, human Mimosa health is not always good. Often the disease occurs as a result of depression, overwork or loss of strength.

Mimosa Man values \u200b\u200bcoziness and comfort. And the life of such a person eventually develops successfully. But Mimosa rarely succeeds in getting rich - for this, she lacks neither ambition nor ambition.

Mimozam advice: it is worth remembering that in a healthy body a healthy mind. Try to find time for sports. This will give you strength and health. More self-confidence! You are capable of much, do not rely too much on the assessment of others - people's judgments are always subjective.

March flowers


Poppy is a very bright red flower with a stupefying aroma. Mac was used for medical purposes. According to the flower horoscope, his energy is not positive for everyone.

A man born under the auspices of Mack is a bright personality. He is talented and successful, quickly makes a career, reaches great heights. The poppy is always in sight, surrounded by an invariable retinue. Unfortunately, far from always Mac is surrounded by true, faithful friends. Most of his companions bask in the rays of his glory, but at the same time envy him with black envy.

Mack's path to the pinnacle of fame and fortune is very difficult. He has to work hard and give all his strength in the name of achieving a great goal. It happens that from fatigue he falls into depression, quits work and family, plunges into his psychological problems. However, the "black" period is replaced by an energy upsurge, the poppy is reborn from the ashes, like a phoenix, and is again ready to fight.

Mack's personal life is a series of passionate novels and amazing adventures. His feelings are strong, but not durable. He does not want to settle down and have a family and children.

Advice to Macs: value friendship and sincere feelings! Trust your intuition, it leads you in the right direction!


Lily is an energetically powerful and mysterious flower. He has a contradictory characteristic. According to the flower horoscope, on the one hand, a white lily is a symbol of chastity and piety, on the other - a symbol of vice and debauchery.

A man born under the auspices of Lily is outwardly modest and quiet. But do not be fooled! Behind external modesty lies a complex character and a contradictory nature. Such a person always achieves the goal. He skillfully uses his charms and is well versed in people. This is an excellent diplomat. He knows how to keep intentions a secret and not give out true emotions.

Lily literally bewitches others. Many fall under her charm. Man-Lily loves power, loves to manipulate people. But does it subtly. He does not use force and brute force. He feels the power of the word, always knows who and what should be spoken about, whom he can play a trick on, he knows how to lie comfortably and plausibly. All this is seasoned with an excellent sense of humor.

The Lily Man is considerate. Always complies with the rules of courtesy, does not tolerate rudeness and rudeness. Women of this sign are of two types. They are either great righteous or great sinners. They drive men crazy: some with their morality, integrity and inaccessibility, others with passion.

Advice to Lilies: Remember that power is not the only goal in life. Be sincere and learn to enjoy simple things.


Digitalis is the most unprepossessing flower that patronizes people. But the people themselves whom he patronizes are his exact opposite. Usually people born under the protection of Digitalis have a very bright appearance. Moreover, this may be the appearance with a predominance of contrasts.

Digitalis humans may be rare owners of such color combinations in their appearance as pale blue eyes and blue black hair or blond hair and dark brown eyes. Often, digitalis people differ in contrast not only externally. Character traits such as tenderness and harsh judgments, passion and laziness, determination and a tendency to melancholy, can quite peacefully coexist with each other. Apparently, therefore, among the digitalis there is a huge number of bright, extraordinary-minded individuals.

The digital horoscope of Digitalis suggests that determination is one of the hallmarks of their character. Whatever they take, they get it easy and fast. A seemingly impossible task can be solved in a matter of minutes, as soon as a digitalis man is taken up. In the most decisive way, digitalis is struggling with life's difficulties.

Any adverse life situation through the eyes of a human digitalis appears as a minor, quickly resolvable obstacle. Digitalis people can prove themselves in any field, wherever they work. Their head works clearly and quickly, so the right decision, taken in a timely manner, never fails them.

Digitalis can be excellent teachers, as it is not without pedagogical talent. In addition, they make good diplomats, industrial consultants.

Digitalis Tip: Your little talisman would probably be a small pale yellow digitalis flower!

April Flowers


According to the flower horoscope, people who are patronized by Magnolia have been extremely ambitious since childhood. Unattainable heights attract them. It is worth noting that in the end, people of Magnolia achieve their goal, become famous and rich. They have an abundance of both admirers and envious people.

People - Magnolias know how not only to earn, but also to spend money, doing it wisely. They buy only the necessities, and the attributes of luxurious life such as diamonds, furs and expensive cars are very cool. If there is such an opportunity, then they will always save.

Magnolia Woman can be capricious and wayward. They may seem frivolous flirts. But this is a misleading impression. Women Magnolia has a cold, calculating mind and a realistic, sometimes even cynical outlook on life. They know what they want, go ahead to their goal, sweeping away opponents from their path.

Magnolia Man   values \u200b\u200bfamily and marriage. But the family takes a slightly different position than in the professional sphere. If at work the Man Magnolia is a leader, leader, head, then in the family he seeks to remain a “gray cardinal”, to manage not directly.

Advice to the Magnolias: give yourself pleasure - take a day off and try to relax from the heart that day.


Hydrangea flower comes in a variety of shades, so it is very appreciated in decorative floriculture. These flowers are unpretentious and do not require careful care, take root well and bloom for a long time. This is what the flower horoscope tells us about the people who patronize this flower.

A person born under the auspices of Hydrangea is always in a good mood. He is cheerful, cheerful, endowed with a bright appearance. However, it is often lonely. Hortense's loneliness has two reasons - selfishness and narcissism. The feelings of Hydrangea are short-lived. She quickly gets carried away, but with no less rapidity cools to her chosen one or chosen one.

Oddly enough, Hydrangea does not suffer from a lack of fans. She is firmly convinced that there are no irreplaceable people, which means that separation and separation are not worth the worry. Hydrangea loves outdoor activities. She likes noisy companies, parties, travels. She enjoys spending time in idleness. These people strive for a secure and comfortable life. If they marry, then only by calculation.

Advice to Hydrangeas: be more attentive to your neighbors, do not cherish and cherish your egoism.


Dahlia belongs to the Astrov family and its closest relatives are asters, chrysanthemums, sunflowers, marigolds, gerberas and some other flowers. Dahlias bloom all summer and fall. Only the cold breath of winter destroys their charm. The flower horoscope claims that the energy of these colors is very powerful and positive.

A person born under the auspices of Dahlias is balanced, knows how to strike a balance between work and leisure, everywhere to find a middle ground. He has enough time for everything. He does not fuss and not in a hurry, but at the same time he is in time everywhere. He works hard and fruitfully, is engaged in self-education, leads an active lifestyle, loves travel.

He always has everything in moderation. There are friends, but their number is small. There is a family that he loves and which does not tire of caring. However, a Dahlia man is never completely satisfied with his life and his achievements.

He is inclined to endlessly analyze his behavior, to search for the reasons for this or that act. Listens to friends' advice with some discontent. He wants to decide everything himself and does not tolerate interference in his life.

Advice to Dahlias: you need to believe more in your strength. Fortune is a very capricious person, do not abuse her favor.

May flowers

Lilies of the valley

Among the ancient Germans, the lily of the valley was considered the flower of the goddess of the rising sun and spring. There are many legends about the origin of this flower. It was believed that the lily of the valley so mourned the passing spring that his heartbroken heart stained his tears with blood. According to another version, the lily of the valley appeared from the tears of a beautiful woman whom her lover had left.

Lily of the valley - a symbol of fidelity and integrity. Flower horoscope warns - you need to be very careful with this flower. It has a strong energy, which depends on the time when it was collected. In no case should it be collected and given on the eve of the new moon.

Man-Lily of the valley is very vulnerable and sensitive. He can be decisive and assertive, but completely lost when he meets resistance. Lily of the valley is completely unable to stand up for himself and defend his interests. He is often unreasonably sad. Lily of the valley is very modest and shy. His appearance is unremarkable, his voice is quiet. In any situation, he controls his emotions and prevents them from splashing out.

Lily of the valley professional life is associated with the transfer of experience and knowledge. He often becomes a teacher, a preacher. He likes work that requires precision, accuracy. The long and painstaking work does not frighten him, which means that Lily of the valley can become a good scientist.

Lily of the valley is a wonderful family man. For him, family is the main support, because it is the family that gives him a sense of security and stability. He adores children, always worries about them, worries, helps in all endeavors.

Advice to Lilies of the Valley: Do not be afraid to make yourself known. A lot of healthy egoism, in the good sense of the word. No need to constantly sacrifice yourself. You will be loved no less than if you devote more time to your beloved.


In ancient Egypt, purslane was eaten. Well-known scholars of ancient Greece, such as Hippocrates and Pliny, used purslane to treat many serious diseases. The flowering time of this plant is from June to September.

A person under the flower horoscope under the auspices of Portulac is pessimistic. He cannot fully enjoy the results of his victories, because he expected defeat. When Portulac falls in love, he plagues his chosen one with bouts of jealousy. After all, he is sure in advance that the partner leads him by the nose or cheats.

Man - Portulac does not believe anyone's word. He suspects everyone of bad intent and always doubts the sincerity of friends and colleagues. These features prevent Portulac from fully enjoying life, finding peace of mind and family happiness. After all, creating a family, Portulac does not think about living together, but beforehand presents a divorce and the following division of property.

Portulac considers all hardships of life a logical and inevitable punishment for sins. He blames himself for all the errors. However, these sins are for the most part a figment of Portulac's own imagination. Despite the terrible suspiciousness, this person can show spiritual generosity and be a devoted friend.

Tip to Portulaca: as Carlson said, “calm, only calm.” You spend too much mental energy on causeless experiences. You are a worthy person, it is interesting with you, people quite sincerely sympathize with you - there is no need to constantly doubt it.


Since ancient times, this modest wild flower has been used for medicinal purposes. It is known that chamomile infusion has an anti-inflammatory, hemostatic, antiseptic effect. Chamomile essential oil disinfects, relieves pain and various inflammations.

The flower horoscope claims that Chamomile is a very good and kind talisman. She helps to find good luck. It is no coincidence that the lovers are divining on a daisy - it is this flower that is able to attract a narrowed one.

A man born under the auspices of Chamomile, outwardly seems a naive simpleton. He is cheerful, sociable, maybe even too frank. But you should not lose vigilance in conversations with Chamomile! Camomile Man is actually not at all simple. He knows perfectly well what he is seeking, and your reciprocal frankness can cost you dearly.

Remember the phrase that the police pronounce:

“Everything you say can be used against you.”

Chamomile clearly builds its life strategy. With everyone she encounters in her life, she leads her game. Seeks and always finds an individual approach. All her actions are logical, even if they seem rash or spontaneous. Chamomile is moving towards its goal, step by step. But exactly what goals Chamomile achieves, she knows only to her.

She knows how to keep secrets and keeps her plans a secret. That is why Chamomile never keeps diaries, does not record its innermost thoughts. In fairness, I want to note that, in general, Chamomile is pretty enough. She is not trying to consciously harm or spoil someone's life. She deliberately does not do evil. Chamomile’s personal life will develop only if she is sincere with her partner, will not try to manipulate him.

Advice to Daisies: your happiness is with you, only you do not notice it - you are too passionate about plans and strategies.

June flowers


Judging by the flower horoscope, the bell has positive energy. That is why the bouquet, composed of bells, touches the soul. A man born under the auspices of the Bell respects order. His views are characterized by moderate conservatism.

Man - bell clothing always adheres to the classical style. He is not fond of “lightweight” popular music, does not understand fashion trends. The bell is afraid of any changes, protects the established order of things. He rarely changes his place of residence or place of work. Even if the situation at work is not the best, he will endure until his position becomes unbearable.

The Man-Bell greatly values \u200b\u200bhis family. He loves children, spends a lot of time with them, does not neglect parental responsibilities. Spouse Bell keeps fidelity. Treason is considered an unforgivable act. From the side it may seem that the bell is monotonous and predictable. But do not forget about its merits.

The bell is infinitely kind, friendly, attentive to neighbors, who often abuse its generosity and kindness. In his career, Bell has achieved great success. He seeks prosperity, but does not accept luxury. His motto can be formulated as follows: "I have enough of what I have."

Advice to Bells: of course, classic is an art that has been tested by time, but still don’t be so conservative, try to do an extravagant act at least once in your life, for example, to make a fashionable haircut or tattoo. You can’t even imagine how new sensations will enrich you!


Daisy, of course, has a positive energy. The flower horoscope claims that a person born under the auspices of the Daisy is modest and kind. In a large company, he feels very insecure. He does not like noisy gatherings.

For people - Daisies are much nicer than a quiet evening in the family circle or a trip to the countryside. Even a short walk in the fresh air gives Daisies strength for the whole day. Others consider Daisy a shy. Unfortunately, it is often underestimated, considering it rustic and ordinary.

In her personal life, Daisy is usually happy. She pays a lot of attention to family, home. Daisy Woman   - a wonderful hostess and mother. Man - Daisy   respectable and devoted spouse. But, strangely enough, two Daisies, a man and a woman, cannot make an ideal pair.

Although in everyday life, Daisy prefers to be in the shade and not attract attention, at the crucial moment she is able to cope with excitement and show composure - she copes with any difficulties and stress.

Daisy has no special career aspirations. She chooses a business for herself and is content with it. The leaders are not torn. Nevertheless, Daisy achieves success. Her professionalism and diligence over time are evaluated appropriately.

Advice to Daisies: try to please yourself with rest more often and spend more time outdoors.


Tulip is very diverse and diverse. It comes in many different colors, from white to almost black. A curious fact: it is known that a tulip is one of the national symbols of Holland, and it was in this country that one of the first financial pyramids was built, connected just with tulips.

The energy of the tulip and its symbolism are contradictory. A man born under the auspices of the Tulip, according to the flower horoscope, is a womanizer and adventurer. His life goes on in an endless series of love victories and romantic adventures.

Man - Tulip   - This is a passionate lover, a bold conqueror of female hearts. It is impossible to resist his spell. He is able to conquer even a very chaste young lady. It is important to understand that for Tulip the process of conquering, conquering is much more important than the result. He quickly cools to the next darling and embarks on a search for new sensations. He does not tolerate marital obligations and certainly does not seek to create a family. This person is completely self-sufficient. The need for home comfort and care for the Tulip can arise only in adulthood.

Woman - Tulip   - fatal beauties. They are not as windy as men, but nevertheless love adventures and are not distinguished by constancy. The Tulip Man is more passionate about his experiences, victories on the love front, personal problems. He can and knows how to make money. But they are not their goal. He believes that money exists in order to spend it with maximum pleasure.

Advice to Tulips: of course, it is very fun to live one day, have fun, not thinking about anything. But there are no free pleasures. And you run the risk of paying for “aimlessly lived years” of lonely and feeble old age. And another thing: do not neglect the feelings of others.

July flowers

Water lilies

Our ancient ancestors believed that water lilies, like other water flowers, were under the auspices of the Water. Tearing water lilies without permission from Vodyanoy is a very rash act. In order not to annoy the spirits of water, before tearing a water lily, several small coins were thrown into the water.

Based on the flower horoscope, a person born under the auspices of the Water Lily is modest, decent, very hardy. Of course, he has a strong character. One can only be surprised at the optimism of Water Lilies. Such a person retains the presence of spirit in any, even the most difficult life situation. He can achieve a lot in life.

Since childhood, Water Lily studies well, and then works hard. The personal life of a man-water lily develops successfully. Loneliness does not threaten him. Such a person does not lack fans.

Water lily is very calm about money. She is quite happy with her financial situation. In fairness, I want to note that the Water Lily rarely lacks funds. She can work on several jobs, combine several positions. In addition, the water lily does not litter with money and knows how to spend it wisely.

Advice to water lilies: your life is developing quite safely and happily, but your happiness will be more complete if you finally stop at one of your many fans and start a family.


Violet is a flower, the energy of which is able to strengthen the spirit of a person, arouse respect and pride in him, increase self-esteem. According to the flower horoscope, people under the auspices of Violets are born diplomats.

Man - Violet is well versed in people. Can benefit from almost any situation. He knows how to behave in society, knows who and what exactly should be said.

In professional activities, Violet Man is a reliable partner. He does not violate obligations and agreements, always keeps his word and does not lead a double game.

Violet Man is freedom-loving. Since childhood, he has a bright personality. It never falls under the influence of others and builds its own line of behavior.

The personal life of a violet person will turn out very well if his partner is a person who is optimistic. It is also important that the partner value and respect Violet. She needs the support of a loved one. If Violet does not receive it, then she becomes discouraged and can become hardened.

Advice to Violets: I would like to wish you to be more confident in your abilities. Remember: you can achieve everything you want, for this you have everything - mind, talent, willpower. Do not give up! Everything will be fine with you!


Rosehip has a very strong energy. According to the flower horoscope, this is the most powerful love talisman. Rosehip works real miracles. He is able to arouse love in a person and even kindle a fire of passion. If blood “mixes” on the rosehip branch, that is, those who plucked the branch and the one to whom it was intended could be scratched on its thorns, a fatal passion may arise. In addition, the dog rose protects from evil forces and gives vigor.

A person born under the patronage of Rosehip is often alone. People do not understand him, underestimate him. Such a person is ironic and can speak rather caustically to his interlocutor. However, the "prickiness" of the Rosehip man is nothing more than a way of self-defense.

By nature, he is good-natured and does not wish anyone harm. He is vulnerable and sensitive, and he himself has a hard time because of his demeanor. Not always people understand it and appreciate it.

Rosehip has few friends, but they know for sure that he will never betray or turn away in difficult times, will be the first to come to the rescue and will not consider this a feat.

The Rosehip Man does not forgive lies and deceit. Do not try to flatter him or crouch in front of him. He also does not tolerate hypocrisy and duplicity. Anyone who behaves dishonestly with him will forever lose his favor.

The personal life of the Rosehip man is not going very smoothly. If Rosehip is in love, he is able to roll mountains for the sake of his chosen one. But Rosehip's feelings can quickly fade away if the partner does not value him or abuse his kindness.

Tip Rosehips: your spines hurt badly, remember this! Of course, you need protection, but you should not perceive life as a theater of operations.

August flowers


Sunflower seeds and oil, which is obtained from its seeds, can protect against serious misfortunes. In the old days, people believed that sunflower seeds sprinkled at the threshold would not allow ill-wishers to cross the threshold. Sunflowers were planted close to home so that these flowers would keep the world at home and give a person their positive energy.

A man born according to the flower horoscope under the auspices of the Sunflower is a true minion of fate. He is active, cheerful, does not lose optimism. Troubles do not bother him - he knows how to stay in the most difficult situations. More than that, he knows how to cheer up a person who is depressed and disappointed in life.

Family for the Sunflower man is of great importance. He protects the peace and tranquility of his loved ones, appreciates care and attention. If the situation requires it, he is able to overcome his egoism and compromise. In society, the Sunflower is somewhat arrogant, and sometimes harsh in its statements.

Man - Sunflower is a leader, a good organizer and leader. He can defend his point of view, is well-versed in any situation, quickly makes decisions. The sunflower does not tolerate pressure and does not recognize ultimatums. But perfectly negotiates and achieves its goals.

Advice to Sunflowers: you are kind, generous, courageous and decisive, you have few shortcomings, nevertheless remember that pride and selfishness never bring to good.


Rose is always associated with the most important and solemn events in human life. The rose captivates with its refined beauty and delicious aroma. Judging by the flower horoscope, people born under the auspices of Roses are wayward and selfish. They have many fans, but many envious ones.

Unfortunately, the man-rose is poorly versed in people and can not always distinguish flattery from sincere praise. Rosa has few friends. Not everyone can calmly relate to her whims, arrogance and frequent mood swings.

Rose Women   behave like a person of royal blood. They look down on others, are very arrogant. If the Roses are fortunate enough to succeed in life, they become snobs and despise their former surroundings.

Rose Men   seek to assert themselves at the expense of others. They prove to everyone their superiority, but at the same time they can’t stand the struggle with a really strong opponent. If Rosa’s life is not very successful, she becomes embittered and releases her spikes, becoming gloomy and prickly.

Tip to Roses: be softer - it will help you a lot in life. A sound assessment of your own strengths and abilities will also help you. Try to be less selfish, because you can push away a devoted and loving person.


The Delphinium flower got its name because its buds resemble the body of a gray dolphin. What can a flower horoscope tell us about people - Delphiniums?

A man born under the auspices of Delphinium is modest. He does not have a bright appearance and makings of a leader. However, he does not seek to occupy a leading position. At the same time, Delphinium has a strong character, he is not afraid of difficulties and treats them philosophically.

As a friend, Delphinium is reliable and faithful. But do not try to deceive him or to do dishonestly with him - this person does not know how to forgive. If the step from friendship to hatred is not difficult, then the return journey will be simply impossible.

The delphinium will forever cross out an unscrupulous person from its environment. If a loved one or lover turns out to be a traitor or a deceiver, for Delphinium this is a real disaster, which he experiences for a very long time.

It is very interesting with him; he is well educated, well-read. Books are faithful companions of Delphinium. He devotes a lot of time to self-education. In everyday life, the Delphinium man is content with the small. He is indifferent to comfort and coziness. He can live and be happy in any living conditions.

Advice to the Dolphiniums: sometimes a situation requires compromise solutions - do not be afraid to express your opinion, listen to your opponent.

September flowers


Clove, thanks to its strong positive energy, protects against evil forces and contributes to the healing of the whole organism. Carnation flower is able to attract wealth, helps a person to fully realize. People born according to the flower horoscope under the auspices of Carnation, have a keen sense of justice.

Carnation will fight for a just cause to a victorious end. She would not allow her or her loved ones to be dishonored. At the same time, the Carnation man can defend not only his rights, but also protect those who are not able to do this himself. Carnations often become activists of social movements and parties.

Clove is a bad diplomat. It gives rise to constant conflicts, both at work and in the family. Sitting her at the negotiating table and looking for compromises is an almost impossible task. However, it is worth remembering that Carnation does not wish anyone harm. She just can’t put up with lies and injustice. Ultimately, her actions are aimed at the good. And one more important fact: Carnation is an ideological fighter, it is selfless, it is impossible to bribe it.

Tip Carnations: do not rush to the barricades for any reason. Try not to be so straightforward - it only hurts you, because your opponent calculates your reaction in advance and drags out the confrontation, forcing you to get involved in a "positional war" in which you are not strong.


Astra protects a person from bad thoughts, helps him not to lose his presence of mind in difficult times. Figuratively speaking, the Astra man is a cozy bonfire in the darkness of a cold autumn night. Such a person is always in a good mood. He is cheerful and seems careless. But this is not a frivolous racket.

Nature gave him a lot of energy, and he is able to share it. It is difficult for Astra-man to understand people who constantly complain about life and the vicissitudes of fate. Astra is able to cheer, sympathize and help, but she used to solve problems on her own and quickly. According to the flower horoscope, people - Asters are sociable and sweet.

Astra Woman   - a hospitable and welcoming hostess. She welcomes guests with pleasure, loves family celebrations. Astra will never forget to congratulate friends on holidays or an important family date, always gives generous gifts. However, sometimes the Astra is too intrusive.

Astra Man living today. He is not burdened with a load of memories. He does not look back and moves only forward. But at the same time he does not forget to learn lessons and does not repeat mistakes, if any, happened in his past. In professional activities Astra succeeds. In general, the life of such a person develops successfully. His colleagues appreciate him, respected by his superiors. The family life of Asters is also very prosperous.

Advice to Astram: not all people are endowed with your willpower, optimism and energy - they should sympathize, but do not let others abuse your kindness


This modest forest flower with a bitter aroma is endowed with powerful energy. He patronizes only those people who have fortitude. As the flower horoscope tells us, people born under the auspices of Heather, strive for perfection all their lives. They diligently maintain their reputation and value it very much.

There is no such thing that the Heather man could not handle. This is a jack of all trades. He knows his worth well, and those around him respect him. Heather is a wonderful teacher, he has enough talent and patience to explain complex things to people in simple language. In addition, he is not too authoritarian and strict.

Heather does not tolerate half measures, half decisions. He is a maximalist and idealist. Heather’s personal life, as a rule, develops happily. In family life, he is a leader, but not a despot. Heather loves home comfort, values \u200b\u200bself-care and takes care of his loved ones with pleasure.

Heather is sociable, he has many friends. This person does not accumulate negative emotions, is not touchy, and does not hold evil, for which they love him. He is able to forgive human weaknesses, but abuse his generosity is still not worth it.

Advice to Heathers: you are not too emotional, or rather, stay aloof from people, as a result of which you give the impression of an indifferent person. Do not hide your emotions - joy or frustration. If you laugh heartily, you will not be considered unstoppable or weak for it.

October flowers


The homeland of camellia are Japan, China and Vietnam. An interesting fact is that camellia and tea are close relatives, they belong to the same family. In 1725 BC e. one of the Chinese emperors wrote that the infusion of camellia leaves is his favorite drink. Over time, camellia began to grow in Europe, and then around the world.

According to the flower horoscope, people born under the auspices of Camellia feel their insecurity and vulnerability. They are always in the spotlight and are looking for a patron who would protect them from life's troubles.

Camellia Woman   surrounded by many fans. She attracts with her sensuality, emotionality. Next to her, a man can feel like a knight, a protector. Camellia has an amazing sense of beauty. She surrounds herself with beauty. She herself creates the interior of her house, selects every little thing very carefully. Closely follows fashion trends, always dressed stylishly and tastefully.

Camellia Man   can be timid and shy. But if he manages to overcome self-doubt, he can be very successfully realized in life. A camellia can be a photographer or artist, architect or designer, and rich imagination contributes to literary talent.

Everything that man-Camellia does is excellent. Camellia never fakes and never works half-heartedly. These people love to travel, get new experiences, regularly attend exhibitions, theaters, fashion shows.

Advice to the Camellias: you are charming, it is very nice to talk with you, but sometimes you are too arrogant and arrogant - try to avoid this.


Lilac, according to the flower horoscope, can serve as a love talisman, it is endowed with strong positive energy. Lilac is a symbol of youth, youth, innocence and freshness.

People born under the auspices of Lilacs can be naive and innocent. They retain these qualities all their lives. But do not think that the Lilac man does not understand people and is not able to distinguish sincere feelings from flattery. For all his naivety and childish immediacy, the Lilac man is realistic and knows exactly what he wants to achieve in life.

The Lilac Man does not doubt his strength, but at the same time he is not overly self-confident. He may seek help or advice if he is unable to find a solution on his own. He comes to the aid of his friends willingly. He does not expect special thanks from people and does not require too much from his circle.

The personal life of Lilac is going well. Lilac can meet her companion quite unexpectedly - she believes in love at first sight. In youth, it is windy, but over the years it becomes more circumspect.

Advice to Lilacs: nature has generously awarded you with talents, it remains only to wish you to fully realize them.


The energy of freesia is aimed at strengthening forces. The main qualities of a Freesian man are stubbornness and fearlessness. Such a person is not really afraid of anyone or anything. According to the flower horoscope, people - Freesia can withstand any life test and remain completely unscathed.

The stubbornness of Freesia, directed in a positive direction, can bring him many benefits. Freesia strives at all costs to become the first, the best. Others may be irritated by the determination and activity of Freesia. They envy her, slander about her behind her back. It often happens that Freesia does not find contact with colleagues at work, but the authorities respect and appreciate her.

Freesia will never be left without a livelihood. For all her ambitiousness, under the pressure of circumstances, she can agree to an uninteresting, but well-paid job. In this case, in order to realize his creative abilities, Freesia finds herself an interesting hobby. Freesia woman is a real needlewoman. She perfectly sews, knits, embroiders. It always looks elegant and fashionable, but not elaborate and not vulgar.

Advice to Freesians: do not be petty and too meticulous. You are a leader, and it’s hard for you to fit into the generally accepted framework, but try not to speak too harshly, be softer - it will help you a lot in life.

November flowers


Orchid gives energy, is able to arouse bright feelings in a person. People born under the auspices of the Orchid according to the flower calendar are endowed with amazing flair and insight. They can be clairvoyant or psychics and literally see people through and through. Therefore, do not even try to cunning with Orchid, and even more so do not cheat on it.

Orchid can be superstitious and therefore very secretive. You will never know her true plans and intentions. She does not tolerate interference in her personal life, keeps her thoughts a secret, and controls emotions well. It may give the impression of a person sluggish, tired and indifferent, but this is far from the case.

Orchid is very emotional. But she prefers to throw out her emotions in her work - she writes poetry or music, draws amazing pictures. Orchid is a good worker, a professional. Nevertheless, it is difficult to obey her; she often creates conflict situations. The ideal option for her is remote work, which allows a lot of time to be spent at home.

The personal life of a person-Orchids rarely develops seamlessly. Its secrecy and isolation, as well as a secluded lifestyle are not for everyone. In addition, the partner may be annoyed by her ability to “see through”, to predict actions and behavior in general. It is impossible to give an orchid a surprise; she always knows everything. It is very difficult to get along with such a person. Orchid does not read notations, but in everyday life does not hide his discontent.

Tip to Orchids: Try to be more open. You are not surrounded by bad people at all, and they do not want to harm you. With your coldness, you repel friends who genuinely sympathize with you. Your kindness may simply not be noticed.


Peony flower in many countries is considered a symbol of masculinity, strength and power. This bright flower gives energy, is able to awaken creative abilities and strong feelings in a person.

As the flower horoscope tells us, people born under the auspices of the Peony are distinguished by unusually good health. They almost never get sick, hardy and can cope with the most difficult loads. Fatigue by such people is felt extremely rarely.

Peony is very active, does not tolerate idleness and idleness. He has many friends, he likes to be in society. Such a person is self-sufficient, indifferent to criticism - it is useless for Peony to flatter and curry favor with him. He knows his worth and does not need anyone to evaluate. However, Peony is quite self-critical, and the best judge for him is himself.

Peony appreciates the family. In his youth, he starts many novels, but in mature years he settles down. Peony, as a rule, remains faithful to his chosen one. It is reliable, like a rock, and is able to protect its loved ones from any adversity. Peony does not lose his presence of spirit even in crisis situations; moreover, extreme loads for him are his native element.

Peony tip: Avoid extremes and, most importantly, learn to control your emotions. Outbursts of anger do yourself much more harm than the people against whom they are directed.


People - Gladiolus flower horoscope describes very ambiguously. It says that the fate of the man, Gladiolus, is to be "second number." He lacks his own strength to be a leader. But this is not a reason for frustration - Gladiolus can be a reliable ally, co-author. For his potential to be fully realized, he needs a skilled and wise leader and mentor.

Gladiolus Man is friendly and rustic. This is a frivolous racket, never analyzes his own behavior, is not able to learn from his own mistakes. Figuratively speaking, the forehead of a man-Gladiolus is covered with cones from hitting the same rake.

Gladiolus has a great sense of humor. He is not afraid to seem ridiculous, allows himself to make fun of himself. He is the soul of any company. In the family of Gladiolus, peace and tranquility reign. He does not make scandals, does not like to sort things out. Gladiolus has a wonderful quality - accepting people for who they are, with all the weaknesses and shortcomings.

Advice to the gladioli: try to reflect on the topics “Why am I again in a mess ...” and “What should I do to avoid stepping on a rake”.

December Flowers


Dandelion gives a person positive emotions. According to the flower horoscope, a person born under the auspices of Dandelion is distinguished by kindness and generosity. He really loves two things - to be in nature and a group of friends. This is easily explained. Dandelion is not easy to save their solar energy in urban environments. A trip to nature for him is a great opportunity to “recharge”.

Dandelion loves the company of friends because he is sociable and cheerful. He likes noisy gatherings. He seeks adventure, loves to travel. For the sake of his friends, Dandelion, without hesitation, will give the last. He is a reliable, faithful friend. The personal life of a Dandelion man does not always succeed, although he is an interesting conversationalist and most of the time is in a good mood.

Living with such a person is very difficult, sometimes impossible. He is completely not guided in the problems of everyday life and is not interested in them, he constantly forgets his promises to pay for an apartment or buy food. He lives one day, is able to skip all the money earned in one evening. If Dandelion turned out to be your chosen one, you have only two ways - either to accept it as it is (to try to change it is a hopeless business), or to part with it.

Tip to Dandelions: You are too careless. Your talents do not get the proper implementation. Of course, your life is a continuous celebration. But, sadly, the holidays end sooner or later. Your carefree friends will grow up, start families, and their life will radically change. You run the risk of being alone.


For many peoples of Asia, this is the most revered flower, which symbolizes purity and purity. Lotus grows in the mud, in the swamp, but it is clean and beautiful. Hindus associate it with holiness and divine protection.

According to the flower horoscope, people born under the auspices of the Lotus are endowed with beauty, rich imagination, wit, grace. The list of their merits can be continued indefinitely.

The Lotus Man is a noble knight when it comes to man. He is a gallant gentleman, beautifully caring for his chosen one, very romantic, knows how to make original compliments. Lotus is a reliable and faithful friend. You can be sure of it one hundred percent - Lotus will never deceive and betray.

Lotus woman   - a charming coquette. But at the same time, she is not selfish and capricious. The family is rarely a leader. She is able to subordinate her life to the interests of the family, give up her career and become a housewife, if circumstances so require.

Lotus man   - an idealist. He is inclined to see only positive aspects in life. And, strangely enough, troubles really pass him by. He is full of strength and energy, achieving enviable successes in life. His career is always successful.

Lotus's personal life is hectic. Lotus - Monogamous. He remains faithful to his partner, even when he is disappointed in him, so he will try his best to save his family. Lotus is madly in love with his children, he is ready to help them in everything, even when the children have already become adults.

Tip to the Lotus: Do not be arrogant and arrogant. Your talents give reason for pride - this is an indisputable fact, but you still do not have to rest on our laurels. Life will require new achievements and feats from you.


Edelweiss is perhaps one of the most prominent representatives of the flower horoscope. This is a very powerful talisman that brings wealth, success and love. A man born under the auspices of Edelweiss is independent and selfish. He is self-sufficient, but nevertheless loves to be in society. He is sociable and makes friends easily.

Unfortunately, Edelweiss is prone to squandering his talents. It is inconsistent and inconsistent. In his actions there is no system, no logic. It is difficult for him to make a choice, he has been searching for his place under the sun for a long time, his true calling. Constant dissatisfaction with himself does not allow him to fully enjoy the results of his work. He can leave the project in the middle, not finish his studies, refuse a promising position.

Edelweiss does not tolerate dictatorship, never submits to anyone. He doesn't care too much about his reputation. Getting along with such a person is not easy. He is quick-tempered, irritable. In general, we can say that Edelweiss is a person of mood. He can be cute and charming, and can be rude. However, Edelweiss never drops to outright rudeness.

Edelweiss is scattered in his personal life. This person is not created for family life. He scores many victories on the love front, but he suffers no less defeats - not everyone can reconcile with the egoism of Edelweiss.

Advice Edelweiss: do not go to extremes. You can achieve a lot in life, but miss favorable circumstances, do not value people who sincerely love you. Try to be more attentive to those around you.

Flower horoscope   - An interesting and truthful system that allows you to find out the nature, personality characteristics and compatibility of each individual type. In addition, the flower horoscope is popular in poems, which can form part of a congratulation with a symbol flower.

Plants, just like people, correspond to different signs of the zodiac and are subject to the influence of the planets. Every person who is fond of astrology is simply obliged to know their flowers by horoscope. It is advisable to put a pot with one of the plants at home - so it will be possible to attract good luck. But which flower suits a particular zodiac sign? This is what will be discussed now.


People born in the period from March 21 to April 20, suitable flowers that are as bright, visible and beautiful. Here's what it recommends to put a horoscope in your room:

  • Japanese or Indian azalea.
  • Fluffy-flowered color.
  • Royal begonia.
  • Reed Guzmania.
  • Striped Haworthia.
  • Dwarf pomegranate.
  • Garden geranium.
  • Aloe.

It is believed that all of these flowers contribute to personal growth and attract success. Plus, these plants feel great in Aries. Just like cacti and jasmine, these green creatures can also be bred if desired. But here roses, tiger lilies and violets, most likely, Aries will die.

Of the garden flowers for people of this sign, anemones, sweet peas, red gladioli and cornflowers are lucky. They say they help open the heart chakra.

If we talk about trees, then Aries is suitable pine, plum, hazel, mountain ash, maple and olive. Of the shrubs - hawthorn, honeysuckle and barberry. It is believed that these plants give vigor and energy.


Of the available signs, it is closest to Earth. The lucky horoscope colors for Taurus are:

  • Kalanchoe Blossfeld and Mangin.
  •   blooming.
  • The beautiful sinigia, also called gloxinia.
  • Primrose.
  • Ampelic peperomia.

According to the horoscope, each of these plants, if Taurus grows it at home, will attract wealth. But people of this sign consider stability in a financial position important. In addition, they are hardy and physically strong. And the increase in these qualities is also attributed to the listed plants.

But the most typical Taurus flower is the senpolia, also known as the Uzumbar violet. People of this sign are characterized by leisurely and calm. Saintpaulia brings coziness and peace to the house. It is best to put violets with white flowers home. It is believed that they purify the atmosphere and relieve negative feelings.


People of this sign also have a very interesting horoscope of colors by date of birth. They are the most windy and changeable. Lush or climbing plants with many leaves of a small, narrow shape are best suited for them. Good luck to the Twins:

  • Asparagus. An evergreen lush plant with feather-shaped leaves that rarely blooms, but always attracts attention.
  • Tillandsia.
  • Palm.
  • Fern.
  • Ivy.
  • Tradescantia.

The first of the above is recommended to start those Gemini who are already tired of the fact that their days are constantly passing in a hurry. It is believed that this plant has a positive effect on stamina and strength. And also asparagus cleans the space from alien energy. This is important, because Gemini is emotionally dependent on others.

A palm tree will come in handy in the house of those people of this sign who are often overcome by sadness. It is believed that this plant supports good energy.

If someone wants to please Gemini, you can present roses, violets, carnations, mimosa, gladioli, peonies or asters as a gift. But not orchids. These flowers do not suit them at the energy level.


The following flowers according to the horoscope are suitable for people of this sign:

  • Violet.
  • Bushy peperomy.
  • Forget-me-nots.
  • Water lilies.
  • Tulips
  • Lilies

Forget-me-nots help to survive mental and physical pain. Lily symbolizes the craving of representatives of this sign to the hearth, family and home. And the water lily has a double power at all - it protects from adversity and clears thoughts of negativity.

Punchy and self-confident Cancers fit tulips. Positive, not focusing on problems, it is recommended to acquire water lilies. And business and purposeful Cancers fit violets.

It is worth mentioning that the element of this sign is Water. So it is recommended to choose flowers that love moisture, with fleshy stems and leaves. These include aloe vera, Mason's begonia, fuchsia, dieffenbachia and peperomia.

a lion

In the horoscope of the Druids by the date of birth, the colors of people of this sign are those that are distinguished by a special external attractiveness and bloom brightly. If we talk about the names, then this:

  • Gardenia.
  • Cala.
  • Geranium.
  • Ruta.
  • Chinese rose.
  • Incense.
  • Peony.
  • Gladioli.
  • St. John's wort
  • Olive.
  • Citrus.

Plants such as balsam, jasmine gardenia, Japanese camellia also have a positive effect on the emotional state and vitality of Lions.

If you want to make something pleasant for people of this sign, you can give a bouquet of chrysanthemums, carnations, dahlias, roses. But donating an aspidistra, calathea, laurel, arrowroot is not worth it. The energy of these plants is contrary to that which is characteristic of the previously listed.

By the way, another list of flowers suitable for Leo includes sunflower. It characterizes stamina and vitality.


If you believe the horoscope of the Druids by flowers and trees, then a lily is suitable for people of this sign. She is considered a symbol of wealth and luxury.

Cloves are also suitable for them. They say that this flower protects the Virgin from ungodly people and from committing bad deeds.

Since the patron planet of people of this sign is Mercury, related to the air element, bindweeds and creepers are suitable for them. These plants are as flexible as Virgo. Also, such flowers as:

  • Red poppies.
  • Aster.
  • Coltsfoot.
  • Aloe.
  • Roicissus.
  • Scindapsus.
  • Philodendron.

The listed plants endow people of a given sign with reason, cunning, strength, intelligence.

If possible, then you can plant linden in the yard. She will protect the house of Virgo from poverty, from guests with unkind intentions and from problems. Also to "wood" talismans include fir, pine and apricot. It is interesting that amulets and amulets for happiness are made of their wood for Virgo.


People of this sign are receptive and emotional natures, which, along with high sensitivity, have a solid character and an inner core. These are extraordinary personalities and aesthetes. Here are some flowers according to the horoscope:

  • Azalea.
  • Hybrid heliotrope.
  • Hydrangea.
  • Hibiscus.
  • Croton.
  • Camellia.
  • A pineapple.
  • Capsicum.
  • Small-colored chrysanthemum.
  • Japanese Fatsia.
  • Truncated zygocactus.

Plants that are unsuitable for people of this sign include Kalanchoe, Dracaena, Begonia, Echmea and Agave.

If you are going to give flowers to Libra, you need to carefully approach the choice. They like plants that are not only beautiful, but also carry a certain meaning or magical properties.

Also in the horoscope of flowers by date of birth it is said that Libra is suitable violets, which are a symbol of friendship. After all, these people are really very sociable. Libra - reliable, loyal, loyal, understanding, always ready to come to the aid of a loved one.

Hydrangea, in turn, helps them get rid of bad thoughts. Orchid energizes, good mood and positive. Marigolds create inner harmony. And the lilac adds confidence.


People of this sign can hardly be called lovers of planting flowers. If they have something at home, it's a cactus. What you need is prickly, picky, and does not require special care. Representatives of this sign like to receive them as a gift. Most suitable for Scorpions:

  • Cloves.
  • Peony.
  • Chrysanthemum.
  • Dracaena.
  • Cactus.
  • Gladiolus.

In addition, plants that are insectivores patronize Scorpions. It’s just that it’s not easy to find them, which is to say about growing.

How do the listed flowers affect them? The horoscope of the druids says that chrysanthemum is a symbol of wealth and power. She attracts money and luck. Peony, in turn, symbolizes longevity and love, and also protects from evil people and evil spirits. Carnation represents Scorpio's loyalty and constancy, and gladiolus - its solid principles.


People of this sign are even larger aesthetes than Libra. More than anything, they love rapprochement with nature and surround themselves with beautiful plants, believing that it helps to develop spiritually and inspires thought. According to the horoscope of flowers and trees, Sagittarius should surround itself with:

  • Sacred Ficus.
  • Large-flowered eucharis.
  • Tetrastigm Wuanier.
  • Indoor bonsai.
  • Royal strelitzias.
  • Citrus fruits.
  • Palm trees.

Plants suitable for Sagittarius are unusual, noble, tall and sophisticated. They bloom profusely and beautifully, always delighting their owner with an unusual appearance.

Want to please Sagittarius? Then you can give an elegant purple flower, a bouquet of pale purple roses or gladiolus.

Are there any unsuitable plants? Yes. What flower is not recommended for Sagittarius to be placed at home according to the horoscope? These are aloe, cactus, fern, calceolaria, and peppers. It is believed that these plants take away their optimism, inspiration and vitality.


According to the horoscope, flowers for people of this sign have a strong straight stalk and a strict form. Indeed, these personalities are pragmatists who prefer practicality and do not tolerate anything superfluous. So that the plants are suitable for them. Here are which ones:

  • Pansies.
  • Gerbera.
  • Henbane.
  • Cornflower.
  • Verbena.
  • Honeysuckle.
  • Ivy.
  • Medlar.

All of them have a strong energy field, which helps to maintain Capricorn's stamina. Bells, jasmine, asters and sweet peas are completely unsuitable for him. By the way, since Capricorn is slow, then slowly growing flowers recommend it. According to the horoscope, they should be taken as amulets of a career.


This is the penultimate zodiac sign. According to the years and colors, the horoscope assures that for him happy plants are those that can protect against conservatism and stereotype. But this is one of the main problems of Aquarius. Sometimes it would be useful for him to think wider and look at the situation with a different look.

Aquarians like beautiful, strange, deliciously smelling. But which ones suit their horoscope? They say that yellow. They absorb aggression, cleanse of negative energy, and prevent quarrels. Motley colors give bright thoughts and inspiration. And the blue ones eliminate sadness. If you want to please Aquarius, you can give him a bouquet of daffodils, lilies of the valley, roses or tulips.

About suitable varieties in the horoscope of flowers by date is also said. If Aquarius wants to grow something, it is recommended to make a choice in favor of such plants as:

  • Hybrid and striped butylone.
  • Bent off scary.
  • Calathea Lubbers.
  • Tricolor arrowroot.
  • Crosse Rowley.
  • Alocasia of Sander.
  • Sweetheart strophanthus.
  • Gouty jatropha.

And if we talk about trees, then Aquarius should grow a pear, mountain ash, olive, aspen or Indian oak.


People of this sign have few suitable colors according to the horoscope. They are very unusual, as they grow in terrarium and aquarium conditions. However, there are some species whose representatives are only superficially similar to algae. And for some, the leaves look like fish tails. Of the usual colors for all Pisces fit:

  • Orchids They relieve depression and arouse good thoughts that sensitive and receptive Pisces simply need.
  • Cariota. It removes quarrels and conflicts, balances emotions.
  • Cyperus and papyrus. They cause a desire to show kindness and sincerity.
  • Brownish siderasis. Gives self-confidence.
  • Tolmiya Menzies. Talisman for Pisces in search of the eternal, and not the momentary.
  • Crassula. Helps to survive failures.

But still, if you want to attract luck, you should buy an aquarium or a terrarium with some outlandish algae or plants. They can also be very beautiful.

Hue palette

Finally, it is worth noting the attention of the horoscope by color. Clothing, accessories, decor ... many people select them according to shades that are successful and happy by their zodiac sign. And it is right! It is no secret that colors play an important role in our lives. So, here is a list of signs and shades suitable for them:

  • Aries. Red and all its shades, as well as black and white. But only not in cases where Aries is sick or does not feel well. At such times, it is better to bring more violet and blue to your life.
  • Calf. Blue, pink, green, yellow.
  • Twins. Yellow and green. Gray and brown are categorically not suitable - these colors only oppress such eccentric and bright people.
  • Cancer. Silver, white, elegant gray, light green.
  • A lion. All shades of yellow and gold. Also white and orange.
  • Virgo. Dark shades of green, gray and blue, as well as ash pink, brown and black.
  • Libra. Soft shades of blue, green and blue, as well as pink and purple.
  • Scorpio. Purple, dark red, burgundy, purple, black, dark shades of green, emerald and gray.
  • Sagittarius. Violet, blue, some shades of green.
  • Capricorn. All shades of gray and silver, some colors of the earth, and also dark purple and burgundy.
  • Aquarius. This sign has the brightest spectrum. It includes all the colors of the rainbow and their shades. But the most successful are blue and green.
  • Fish. Pastel colors suit them. Purple, lilac, silver, blue, green.

If we study in more detail the question relating to suitable shades of the zodiac signs, we can see that the meaning of each color has a reference to a particular quality characteristic of man. However, this is another topic, albeit no less interesting.

Sometimes it happens this way: no matter how you water, nor care, or shake over a flower, it still dries before your eyes. Well, or, conversely, it rots, as if from waterlogged soil. There is no limit to disappointment, as well as perplexity: why is this happening? What flowers are suitable for the zodiac sign, endowing with health, well-being and happiness?

Representatives of this fiery symbol fit the same hot flowers with a fiery color: red, orange, scarlet, pink, burgundy. Moreover, this color can be not only petals, but also decorative leaves. Mars, sharp in character, prone to battles, which controls the sign, gives ideal compatibility with the prickly flora.

Good luck, peace, health and other well-being will come to you surrounded by tulips, amaryllis, poppies, honeysuckle, roses, cacti, flowers of hawthorn and hot pepper. Orchid will protect against ill-wishers and will help to attract the person you like. Antirrinum will assist in cupid affairs, and gentian in money.

Representatives of this horoscopic symbol are material, stable, constant. They are under the spell of the beautiful Venus. First of all, dense, strong and stunted flowers will allow you to improve your physical and mental state. Therefore, surround your living space with fragrant peas, lilies of the valley, asters, lilac, lavender, poppies, roses, digitalis.

Health will bring geraniums, cherry blossoms - luck in marriage, apple blossoms - love. Violets will attract money to the house, hyacinths - happiness and well-being.

It is a symbol of air, weightlessness and mobility. In addition, Mercury rules them. Therefore, you need to choose the same representatives of the kingdom of flora. Most of all, the environment suitable for you is mimosa, lily, coriander, daffodils, acacia, buttercups. They will help to establish sociability, as well as gain ease.

In material well-being and relationships, the orange color will help you, in financial well-being - clover, in physical health and peace of mind - lavender. Schisandra will become a talisman, ferns - a source of stamina and excellent shape.

Representatives of this star symbol are led by the moon and water. As a result, by nature, you are compatible with grasses, bushes and trees with juicy stems, fleshy leaves, as well as those that grow as friendly "families", that is, compactly, developing in many from a common root, because you are incredibly attached to your family and your housing.

To get the most luck, live surrounded by hydrangeas, passionflower, ferns, iris, cornflowers, roses, as well as any flowers with white petals.

Lilies for you are a positive embodiment of amorous questions, lotuses - spiritual development and emotional harmony, and gardenias are the harbingers of a successful marriage. Reciprocity and love bonds will support roses, happy moments and health - lemon balm.

Those born under this fiery and power-hungry symbol are influenced by the main body of our entire system - the Sun. Therefore, the plants associated with it harmonize with you. Such flowers accumulate from space the energy of vivacity, stamina, courage. Gerberas, dahlia, sunflowers, marigolds are among them.

Willow, which gives peace and good health, is not alien to you. Linden is useful for supporting impassivity. Veres contributes to karmic protection and excellent health. Carnation supports family and love, heliotrope - authority and glorification.

The patronage of Mercury close to the Sun corresponds to plants that replenish the spent energy potential, promote health, and contribute to intellectual development. In particular, your flowers are thistles, ivies, pansies, chrysanthemums, a wrestler, St. John's wort, buttercups and open eucalyptus buds. They bring good luck.

Mulberry, as well as the Cochin-hin grass, provides salvation from diseases. Lavender also gives health, and also peace and peace of mind. Orange color attracts money and mutual feelings into your life.

It is a symbol of strict but beautiful forms, influenced by Venus and Saturn. Consequently, flowers on sturdy stems, with colorful leaves and unusual petals, are recommended for you. Here you can add bells, tuberoses, orchids, skewers, tea roses, gardenias.

Fame, appreciation and prosperity will come to you surrounded by pansies. Safety and physical well-being will bring pear inflorescences, love - lilacs. Heather will bring it, and irises will present successful career achievements and material well-being.

Bouquet for Scorpio

Pluto and Mars patronizing the sign of the celestial body give the corresponding flowers, opening up access to considerable energy reserves and enhancing supernormal abilities. As a result, everything that helps you get closer to your goal corresponds to your character. Special luck bring representatives of the flora with dark red petals, as well as cacti, geraniums, peonies, hibiscus, ginger, orchids.

A broomstick will bring you closer to money, which will also provide security. Milk thistle will protect physical health, yucca - love and financial well-being, snapdragon - heart affection.

Those born under this constellation are guided through life by Jupiter, which corresponds to the flora associated with the promotion of communication and the development of sociability. You also need to consider that this is a symbol of fire, therefore, all plants with a palette of red shades, as well as bright yellow, orange, pink, will suit you in character. First of all - lilies, carnations, crocuses.

Linden flowers will endow with attractiveness and charm, honeysuckle - with cordial affection, emotional devotion and wealth. Dandelions will bring a healthy state of the body and money into your life, and the borage will protect welfare.

Saturn, the manager of this zodiac symbol, endows the representatives of the sign with stability, peace, and stability. In order not to miss and strengthen them, you need to choose plants that help in career advancement, attract energy, and favor administrative and organizational abilities.

So, luck will bring jasmine, snowdrops, philodendrons, violets and tulips. It will protect belladonna from turmoil, ivy will lead to wealth, all representatives of the bindweed family will endow health and love. Pansies will help in matters of monetary profit, the color of quince in maintaining welfare and in matters of the heart.

Bouquet for Aquarius

Saturn, as well as Uranus, patronizing those born under this horoscopic symbol, help to look at everything from a new point of view, get a clear idea of \u200b\u200bwhat is happening and find a way out of completely incomprehensible situations. Aloe, lilies of the valley, lilies and orchids will allow you to protect yourself from conservatism and stereotypicity and get good luck in business.

Belladonna will provide strong protection - both spiritual and physical. Ivy will support in moving towards wealth. Ipomoea will endow with love and health. Mimosa favors heart affairs.

In the horoscope of such people, influences not only of Jupiter, but also of Neptune prevail, therefore flora is important for them, which does not correlate with the external manifestation of life, but with the internal. Gypsophila, violets, daffodils, lilies and lilacs will allow you to promote spiritual perfection, maintain concentration, and develop contemplation. In addition, they will bring considerable luck.

Ordinary dandelions will attract money and physical health. Linden flowers will add charm and appeal. Hyssop will help in achieving excellent health and close love relationships, honeysuckle - heartfelt fidelity and material well-being.

Therefore, choosing flowers as a gift, you can rely on the personal preferences of the recipient and the knowledge of the flower horoscope. There are general simple recommendations that will help you choose the right flowers, suitable for the mood and temperament of the recipient.

Fire signs

Representatives fire signs (Aries, Sagittarius and Lions)   different assertive character. As a rule, these are bright, outstanding, purposeful personalities. Activity and energy are embodied in red tones and shades, so flowers are for a person born under the patronage of fire sign, It is recommended to give it in this gamut. Flowers suitable Aries, symbolized by its most pronounced: activity, perseverance, determination. These qualities are emphasized by plants on tall stems, possibly even with thorns. Hydrangeas, anemones, tiger lilies, roses are perfect. Aries fire - bright, unquenchable, burning. Representatives of this sign are under the auspices of Mars and therefore they will especially like large flowers of bright, saturated, fiery shades - red, burgundy, bright orange, pink tones. These colors symbolize the success of Aries in his career and in his personal life, so they are perfect for a gift to Aries to a man. For example, in a bouquet the gladiolus or anthurium will look wonderful. Aries girl's femininity is represented by delicate daisies, violets and cornflowers. Aries are also well-known adventurers, so you can quite surprise them with something exotic or a chic national team.

Regal, majestic and calm Lions like noble, dear flowers. Of course, the generous Leo will also appreciate the daisy presented with sincerity from the heart. But nevertheless, representatives of this sign love flowers like themselves - bright, beautiful, unusual. Their luxurious bouquet in sunny yellow tones will especially please. For example, yellow chrysanthemums, sunflowers, gladioli, tea roses, callas. Lions are very fond of lilies of the valley for their sophistication and incredible smell. However, the lilac color is also to the liking of Leo. They will appreciate orchids, peonies, large poppies and even a bunch of violets. But gerberas and tulips are not worth giving to Lions.

Optimistic, active, kind and straightforward Sagittarius   not even a bouquet will be appreciated, as the fact of attention itself. The only representatives of this sign are unlikely to understand the one flower presented to them. They love flowers with a slender high stalk, with lush inflorescences. Carnations, gladioli, chrysanthemums, hyacinths, hippeastrum, freesia are an excellent choice to please Sagittarius. They do not harmonize with the sign, and therefore irises, callas, lilies of the valley, snowdrops and white lilies are undesirable for a gift. Confident and amorous Sagittarius will appreciate the bouquets in bright red and pink colors. Although many representatives of this sign like flowers in blue and purple shades. Young girls of this sign are also very fond of bouquets of barely blooming tulips and daffodils.

Earth signs


The main characteristic earth signs (Taurus, Virgo and Capricorn)   - practicality and rationalism. VirginPerhaps the most reasonable sign from this group. They do not like catchy and large bouquets. They will appreciate a modest, discreet, but elegant bouquet with a light aroma. For the representatives of this sign, white lilies, tea roses, bush carnations, asters, bells are ideal. It is not recommended to give Virgo gerberas, gladioli and tiger lilies, tulips and dahlias. In general, a reasonable Virgo will appreciate the potted plant as a present, such as a violet.

Taurus, like any other earth sign, they especially value calm, coziness and comfort. For all their desire for stability, these are very romantic natures. They are great aesthetes and love nature. They can be pleased with a simple sprig of lilac, and tender lilies of the valley, forget-me-nots or snowdrops can also be touched. But still, a bouquet for Taurus should be expensive and effective. Taurus loves large beautiful flowers, preferably pink and red tones. Roses, lilies, carnations, dahlias, daffodils will suit the representatives of this sign as well as possible. Do not give Taurus orchids and tulips (especially dark ones), as well as pansies.

Capricorns   persistent, responsible, love stability and lead a measured, calm life. People born under the Capricorn sign belong to those few signs that can: prickly pear, mammillaria. Any representative of this sign will be happy to receive a bouquet of gerberas, tiger lilies, tulips, dahlias or carnations as a gift. Capricorns do not really like bright flowers, it is better to choose light and pastel colors. The bouquet should be collected in a strict form, without additional decorations. Do not give bells, asters, sweet peas, decorate bouquets with asparagus, jasmine and climbing plants.

Air signs


Air signs (Gemini, Libra and Aquarius)   Are intellectuals. They are resourceful, sociable, cheerful. For example, Twins   - very sociable, positive personalities, always on the move. In flowers, they like modesty, prefer small flowers and an abundance of foliage and greenery. In principle, there are no color restrictions. Nevertheless, Gemini is recommended to give jasmine, ranunculi, daffodils, peonies, daisies, daisies and bells, spray roses. If you present a bouquet to the representatives of this sign, then try to choose a bright, bold sunflower and a cold, calm statice. It reflects the duality of Gemini. The only flower that does not harmonize well on the energy level with this sign is an orchid.

Libra striving for harmony in everything, these are great aesthetes. Libra does not observe any particular preferences in flowers, except that by presenting delicate light orchids or violets, you definitely will not lose. Also, Libra will please roses of all kinds of unusual shades - white-pink, cream, lilac. In the bouquet for Libra you can use chrysanthemums, hydrangeas, carnations, daffodils, lilies, daisies, asters, dahlias. We do not recommend giving Libra forget-me-nots, pansies, gerberas, irises and lilies of the valley are also undesirable. The main thing is that the bouquet for Libra should be beautifully and correctly decorated, it should not have asymmetry.

Freedom-loving, independent Aquarius   will appreciate the original bouquet of daffodils, lilies of the valley, orchids, ranunculus. In principle, for representatives of this sign there are no strict rules prohibiting giving one or another flower. Aquarians are distinguished by their foresight, independence, and non-standard solutions, so they will appreciate bouquets from eringium (a different bluehead), strelitzia, sarracenia, yucca, aloe, bankxia and protea.
   Aquarians also like to impress, to be spectacular. Therefore, a gift for them should be different originality, brightness. A bouquet of exotic flowers: left-handed, lily of the valley, calla lilies of the original color, protea or strelitzia will be very welcome.

Water signs


Representatives water elements (Crayfish, Scorpions and Pisces)   - very emotional, creative personalities. They are susceptible and volatile. They have a strong intuition and are well versed in people. Therefore, a gift for them must be made with a soul and presented with sincere and very good intentions. For example, Crayfish- a very gentle and vulnerable sign. They are very sensitive to maintaining a favorable atmosphere in the home and in the family. As a watermark, they prefer flowers of light, silver, mainly white shades, which are inherent in some coldness. They will really like a bouquet of white lilies, tulips, callas. In the spring you can please Rakov with fragrant lilies of the valley, lilacs, snowdrops. Never give   Crayfish cloves, even white ones, as well as mimosas and peonies. Also, representatives of this sign are completely incompatible with cacti.

Bright, lively, energetic Scorpions have a special weakness for the colors of deep blue and purple shades. The sensuality of this sign is best emphasized by carnations, terry chrysanthemums and peonies of dark tones. Classic burgundy or white roses will also not leave Scorpio indifferent. These exacting natures and irises, white or tiger lilies, daffodils, callas will please you. Scorpio is an ambiguous sign. People born under this sign combine the incompatible. Therefore, the bouquet must be dynamic, for example, in the form of a pyramid. Scorpions are not recommended to give dahlias, gladioli, mimosas and yellow chrysanthemums.

Fish   - sensitive, delicate, melancholy natures. The flowers most suitable for them in temperament are lilies and orchids, as well as lilac (white). As a watermark, Pisces will especially enjoy ranunculi. Also, bouquets for Pisces are collected from carnations, gladioli, peonies, hyacinths, chrysanthemums, violets. Fish are inactive, static. For the representatives of the beautiful half, who are melancholic in nature, flowers of purple, bluish, steel shades, that is, cold, water colors, are best suited. They follow fashion. Therefore, order a bouquet should be modest, but decorated with taste. Do not give Pisces gerberas, tulips.

Following these simple recommendations, do not doubt that your flower present will surely appeal to the recipient. Indeed, carefully and carefully selected gift will never go unnoticed, it carries a special meaning that will be appreciated.

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    Thank you very much for the very useful information in the article. Everything is very clear. It feels like a lot of work has been done to analyze the work of the eBay store

    • Thank you and other regular readers of my blog. Without you, I would not have had enough motivation to devote a lot of time to maintaining this site. My brains are arranged like this: I like to dig deep into, systematize disparate data, try what no one has done before, or did not look from that angle. It is a pity that only to our compatriots because of the crisis in Russia is not at all up to shopping on eBay. They buy on Aliexpress from China, since there are many times cheaper products (often at the expense of quality). But online auctions eBay, Amazon, ETSY will easily give the Chinese a head start on the range of branded items, vintage items, handmade and various ethnic goods.

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  • It's also nice that eBay’s efforts to Russify the interface for users from Russia and the CIS have begun to bear fruit. Indeed, the overwhelming majority of citizens of the countries of the former USSR are not strong in their knowledge of foreign languages. English is spoken by no more than 5% of the population. Among young people - more. Therefore, at least an interface in Russian is a big help for online shopping on this trading platform. Ebey did not follow the path of his Chinese counterpart Aliexpress, where a machine translation (very clumsy and incomprehensible, sometimes causing laughter) is made of a description of the goods. I hope that at a more advanced stage in the development of artificial intelligence, high-quality machine translation from any language to any in a matter of seconds will become a reality. So far we have this (the profile of one of the sellers on ebay with a Russian interface, but an English-language description):