Representatives of cl. Ascomycetes and Cl. Basidiomycetes (sometimes combined in the Carpomycetes group) and most of the imperfect mushrooms (Fungi imperfecti group or L. deuteromycetes L.), forming fruiting bodies as opposed to lower fungi, ... ... Dictionary of Botanical Terms

This article is about a biological taxon. For a common concept, see Mushroom. Mushrooms ... Wikipedia

mushrooms   - ▲ lower plants fungi lower eukaryotes, heterotrophs. ficomycetes, lower fungi. oomycetes, the skeletal substance is cellulose and glucan (and not chitin, like most other fungi). late blight. saprolegni mushrooms. actinomycetes, radiant mushrooms. ... ... Ideographic dictionary of the Russian language

MUSHROOMS   - (Fungi, Mycetes), a class of lower or shale plants lacking chlorophyll (approximately 70,000 species). What G. is called in the hostel (various hat and other G.), represents only the known parts (the so-called fruit bodies) of some of the most ... ... Big Medical Encyclopedia

Mushrooms and medicine   - Many mushrooms possess not only valuable nutritional, but also healing properties. In recent decades, they have become interested in mushrooms as a source of antibiotic and drugs. The science of treating various diseases with mushrooms is called ... ... Encyclopedia of mushroom picker

TOP MUSHROOMS   - eng.higher fungi; larger fungi German.höhere Pilze French.champignons supérieurs see\u003e ... Phytopathological dictionary

  - (Fungi, Mycetes) lower plant organisms, classified as a group of simple spore plants, the so-called slate plants. G.’s entire body is made up of very thin long strings called hyphae [In the following statement, accepted ... Encyclopedic Dictionary F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

Kleystothecia Microsphaera alphitoides (600 times ... Wikipedia

Mushrooms Variety of the kingdom of mushrooms Scientific classification Overcountry: Eukaryotes Kingdom: Mushrooms ... Wikipedia


  • Cyborg and his forester, Gromyko Olga Nikolaevna. In some galaxy, on some planet, there was a simple honest guy with a secondary special education, a forester by profession. He didn’t live (when he didn’t think about the meager salary ...
  • Cyborg and his forester, Gromyko O .. In a galaxy, on a planet, there was a simple honest guy with a secondary special education as a forester. He didn’t live (when he didn’t think about the meager salary ...

All mushrooms are divided into lower mushrooms and higher mushrooms.

Lower mushrooms whose vegetative body is formed by the mycelium of the cell structure, have a less perfect sexual reproduction method than higher mushrooms, they have a highly branched, unsepted (with no partitions), multinucleated mycelium. Lower mushrooms are unicellular mushrooms. Such fungi include the white mold known to everyone or the fungus mucor. Despite the fact that outwardly mucor is similar to a multicellular organism, in fact, this is all one cell, which has grown in one cytoplasm with a huge number of nuclei. Oblong threads are called mycelia. Black heads (sporangia) have an extension at the ends of the mycelia, in which spores are formed, with the help of which the fungus multiplies.

Main differencebetween the lower and higher fungi is the structure of the mycelium. Non-cellular mycelium in lower fungi, while in higher ones it is cellular or jointed. Mycelium of the lower fungi lives no more than five days. Lower fungi reproduce asexually. Mucor also has the ability to reproduce by dividing the mycelium.

The life span of the mycelium of higher fungi can be several years. Higher mushrooms can reproduce sexually, asexually and vegetatively. When we talk about the vegetative method, the decomposition of hyphae into individual cells is implied. Asexual reproduction occurs through spores. Sexual reproduction has several ways: the connection of haploid cells, somatogamous and a method of spermatization.

The vegetative phase in lower fungi consists of plasmodium (a multinucleated motile protoplasmic mass devoid of cell walls) or pseudoplasmodium (an aggregate of naked mononuclear amoeboid cells that retain their individuality). Nutrition is both holozoic and absorbent. Flagellate cells, when present, usually carry two unequal flagella. Disputes and sporangia (containers of spores) are usually numerous. Includes one section (type) of mucous fungi, or myxomycetes.

In higher fungi, plasmodium or pseudoplasmodium is absent. The vegetative phase consists of filaments (hyphae) or cells with a pronounced cell wall. Nutrition is only absorbent. Flagellate cells, when present, with one or two flagella. It includes departments: mastigomycetes, or zoospore fungi (Mastigomycota), zygomycetes (Zygomycota), ascomycetes (Ascomycota) and basidiomycetes (Basidiomycota), as well as the artificial department of imperfect mushrooms (Deuteromycota).

Mushrooms are chlorophyll-free, multicellular, or unicellular organisms that feed heterotrophically. Mushrooms are divided into lower   and higher   mushrooms.

Lower mushrooms   - unicellular. This includes the well-known white mold, or mushroom mucor. This mushroom often appears on bread, vegetables in the form of a fluffy white coating, which after a while turns black.

Mucor’s mycelium consists of thin, colorless filaments, although this is just one very large cell with many nuclei in the cytoplasm. Aurora propagates by spores. Some threads of mycelium ( mycelium) rise up and expand at the ends in the form of black heads. Here spores are formed, which, after ripening, scatter and are carried by the wind.

Settling on food products, mucor causes their spoilage. In nature, mucor plays a positive role, decomposing the remains of dead organisms.

Penicill settles on food and soil. Its mycelium consists of branching threads, divided by partitions into separate cells. In this, it differs from the fungus of mucor. Penicillus spores are not located in the heads, but at the ends of some filamentous stamens in small tassels.

Penicillus is bred specifically to obtain medication - penicillin, which is widely used to suppress many pathogenic bacteria, for example, with tonsillitis, inflammation of the middle ear, and pneumonia.

Microscopically small multicellular oval or elongated mushrooms. Mycelia do not form. Live in a nutritious fluid rich in sugar. Propagated by budding. First, a small bulge appears on the adult cell, which gradually increases and turns into an independent cell, which soon separates from the mother.

The budding yeast cells are like branching chains. In the test, the yeast breaks down sugar into alcohol and carbon dioxide. At the same time, the energy necessary for the yeast for their life is released. The carbon dioxide bubbles formed in the dough make it light and porous. This process has long been used in baking, brewing, winemaking and other industries and agriculture (fodder yeast). Bread or brewer's yeast exists only in culture, while wine yeast is found in nature on various juicy fruits.

Yeast can cause mucosal disease - thrush. Thrush can spread to internal organs.

Penicilli mushrooms, aspergillus and yeast fungi belong to marsupials, or they are also called ascomycetes, since they form due to the sexual process ascospores   (from the Greek. "Askos" - bag, bag and dispute).

Truffle mushrooms also belong to ascomycetes - very valuable edible mushrooms growing in deciduous forests and bushes in the south of Europe.

The name "smut" is due to the fact that the ear on which the smut fungus develops is covered with a huge amount of black spores and resembles a charred smut.

Tinder fungi, smut and rust mushrooms cause significant harm to forestry, gardens and parks. The main way to deal with tinder fungi is the sanitary felling of diseased trees and their immediate removal. The main methods of combating smut and rust fungi are the cultivation of resistant cultivars, compliance with the rules of agricultural technology, chemical treatment of plants, etc.

A special group of basidiomycetes fungi are hat mushrooms. They number about 8,000 species distributed throughout the globe. All of them are saprophytes according to the method of nutrition. They got the name “hat” because fruit bodies, which look like legs and caps, form on the surface of the mycelium. The fungus is connected with the mycelium with the leg, and plates or tubes are placed on the hat from the underside, on which spore-forming organs with spores form.

The fruiting bodies (leg and cap) of many cap mushrooms are edible, and in some they are poisonous and life-threatening.

The most valuable and edible body of the porcini mushroom, it is also called boletus. It is known that some mushrooms have healing properties. This is a raincoat, porcini mushroom, champignons. They are wonderful antiseptics.

Mushrooms   - This is the kingdom of eukaryotic organisms (numbering more than 120 thousand species), representatives of which are characterized by a combination of signs of both plants and animals.

❖ Signs of fungi similar to those of plants:
  ■ the presence of cell walls and central vacuoles in the cells;
  ■ stillness (attached lifestyle);
  ■ unlimited apical growth;
  ■ absorption of food by absorption (adsorption);
  ■ reproduction by spores;
  ■ ability to synthesize vitamins.

❖ Signs of mushrooms similar to those of animals:
  ■ heterotrophic type of nutrition;
  ■ the presence of chitin in the cell walls;
  ■ lack of chloroplasts and photosynthetic pigments;
  ■ accumulation of glycogen carbohydrate as a reserve substance;
  ■ formation and excretion of urea as a metabolic product.

  Mushroom spread: mushrooms live in moist shaded places or in open spaces in moist soil rich in organic matter, in fallen leaves, rotting stumps, on plants and plant debris, on food, in animal and human organisms.

Mushroom structure

Vegetative body   in most species of mushrooms - mycelium, or myceliumformed gifs .

GIFs   - thin (2-30 microns thick) branching threads forming the vegetative body of the fungus. They have apical growth. They have different structures. lower and higher mushrooms (see below).

Distinguish substrate and aerial mycelium .

Substrate mycelium   serves for fixing to the substrate and absorption of water and minerals.

Aerial mycelium   (in some fungi) rises above the substrate and contains sporangia.

At hat mushrooms   the mycelium is located in the soil, and on the surface is fruit body .

Fruit body   - this is the visible part of the fungus rising above the substrate, which is a lot of tightly bound hyphae, which is the receptacle of the spore-bearing organs of the fungus and serves to protect spores and their distribution.

Mycelial modifications   (observed in many fungi): rhizoids, haustoria, stolons, rhizomycelium, etc.

Rhizoids   - filiform root-shaped outgrowths, which serve to attach the mycelium to the substrate and absorb water and minerals from it.

Stolons   serve to spread the fungus on the substrate.

Rhizomycelium   - These are the rudiments of the mycelium in the form of thin nuclear-free filaments.

Mushroom cell wall   contains mainly polysaccharides (associated with proteins and lipids), chitin, pigments. In the cytoplasm are one or more nuclei and cellular organelles.

Plectenchyma   - false tissue in many cap mushrooms, the mycelium of which is formed by the dense interweaving of multicellular hyphae.

Lower mushrooms   - mushrooms whose hyphae do not have partitions and represent a giant branching multinucleated cell (example: mucor). The lifespan of the mycelium of the lower fungi is a few days.

Higher mushrooms   - mushrooms, hyphae of which are divided into separate compartments by transverse partitions (septa). In the centers of the partitions there are pores through which the cytoplasm moves. Have multicellular mycelium ( examples:   penicillus, cap mushrooms). The length of the mycelium cells of higher fungi can reach several meters. The lifespan of the mycelium of higher fungi is several years.

Mushroom propagation

❖ Methods of propagation of mushrooms:   asexual and sexual.

♦ Forms of asexual reproduction of mushrooms:
  ■ vegetative propagation (in parts of the mycelium);
■ budding (example: yeast);
  ■ spore formation (through the formation of endogenous (in sporangia) or exogenous (on conidiophores) spores.

Sporangium   - an asexual reproduction organ in which endogenous spores are formed.

Conidiophores   - special outgrowths of the mycelium on which they form exogenous , i.e. having external origin, spores (conidia); example: penicillin.

❖ Sexual reproduction in fungi is diverse:

■ in most species, by the fusion of female and male sex gametes, resulting in the formation of a zygote;

■ in some species of higher and lower fungi, by fusion of the contents of the reproductive structures - gametangia, not differentiated into gametes;

■ in many higher fungi, by fusion of the contents of two vegetative cells of the mycelium, which occurs by the formation of anastomoses (outgrowths) between them.

Mushroom nutrition

Type of nutrition of mushrooms   - heterotrophic.

Separate groups of mushrooms

Mold mushrooms   - microscopic fungi forming on the surface of organic substrates characteristic fluffy or cobwebby raids (molds) of gray, green, black, or bluish color. Settled in the upper layers of the soil, on moistened products, fruits, vegetables, paper, leather, textiles, manure, etc. Cause spoilage of products, destroy many industrial materials; some cause plant diseases. The life expectancy of substrate mycelium is several days. Saprotrophic nutrition. Reproduction is asexual, by spores. In lower molds (mucor, etc.), spores form endogenously in sporangia; in higher molds (penicillus, aspergillus, etc.), spores (conidia) are formed exogenously on the conidiophores.

Smut mushrooms   cereals are affected, forming a large number of black spores on their ears.

Powdery Mildew Mushrooms   they affect rye, wheat, gooseberries, lupins, forming a whitish powdery coating.

Fungus mushrooms   (Fig. 6.13) settle on trees. From spores of tinderjacks that fall into wounds in the bark of trees, a mycelium forms, which destroys wood. The life expectancy of substrate mycelium is many years.

Yeast - a combined group of fungi that do not have a typical mycelium and exist in the form of separate budding or dividing cells of an oval or round shape and their colonies (Fig. 6.11). Found on the surface of plants, in the nectar of flowers, on fruits and berries, in the soil. They have an oxidative or fermentative type of metabolism. Saprotrophic nutrition. Propagated by budding. In some yeasts, a sexual process in the form of copulation takes place. When propagating, daughter cells do not separate from the mother. The life expectancy of substrate mycelium is several days. Yeast is used in human activities (in bakery, winemaking, brewing). Some yeasts are pathogenic (example: candidiasis).

Cap mushrooms   (Fig. 6.12) live on soil rich in organic matter or on decaying wood (example: honey agarics). Hat fungus substrate mycelium forms a myceliumand air forms fruit body being a sporulation organ and consisting of hats and legs. The top layer of the hat is covered with skin and painted, on the underside of the hat there are plates (examples: russula, milk mushrooms) or tubes (examples: porcini mushrooms, butter). The life expectancy of substrate mycelium is several years.

The nutrition of most cap mushrooms is saprotrophic. Some species are symbionts: their mycelium enters into symbiosis with the roots of plants, forming mycorrhiza   (examples: boletus, boletus, porcini mushroom). The symbionts need certain living conditions: specific plant communities, sufficient moisture and optimal temperature.

The reproduction of hat mushrooms is asexual (carried out by the sites of mycelium and spores formed endogenously in sporangia) and sexual: gametes are formed in archegonia and anteridia, and fertilization occurs with the participation of water.

Edible   hat mushrooms (porcini mushroom, brown boletus, russula, chanterelle, etc.) are eaten.

Conditionally edible   mushrooms can be used in writing after a long heat treatment (morels, lines).

Poisonous mushrooms   poisonous substances accumulate in the course of metabolism; I do not use them in writing (fly agaric, pale grebe, false chanterelle, etc.),

One of the hallmarks of poisonous mushrooms   - the presence of a filmy ring on the leg (with the exception of false mushrooms).

Mycorrhiza - This is a symbiosis of the mycelium of fungi and roots of higher plants. In this case, the mycelium (mycelium) braids around the small roots of the plant and penetrates into them, performing the function of root hairs. The mushroom receives organic matter from the plant, and the plant receives water and mineral salts from the fungus.

The value of mushrooms

❖ Positive value:
  ■ fungi participate in the circulation of substances and soil formation;
  ■ mineralize organic residues;
  ■ serve as food for some animals and humans;
  ■ used in the pharmaceutical industry (penis-cyl), bakery, winemaking, brewing (yeast).

Src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e Classification of the kingdom mushrooms Lower and higher mushrooms">!}

Src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e LOW MUSHROOMS Low mushrooms Characterized by non-cellular, not having"> НИЗШИЕ ГРИБЫ Ни зшие грибы Характеризуются неклеточным, не имеющим перегородок мицелием (грибницей); у наиболее примитивно организованных хитридиомицетов вегетативное тело представляет собой голый протопласт. Иногда гифы грибов не образуются, а возникает плазмодий- разрастание цитоплазмы со многими ядрами. В связи с пересмотром состава царства грибов в эту группу в разное время входили входят: Миксомицеты (Myxomycota) Оомицеты(Oomycota) Гломеромицеты(Glomeromycota) Гифохитриомицеты(Hyphochytriomycota) Лабиринтуломицеты(Labyrinthulomycota) Хитридиомицеты(Chytridiomycota) Зигомицеты(Zygomycota)!}

Src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e Haploid syncytium (sometimes with small Zygomycetes (Zygomycota"> Гаплоидный синцитий (иногда с небольшим Зигомицеты (Zygomycota количеством перегородок), у наиболее примитивных в виде голого комочка протоплазмы - амёбоида или в виде одной клетки с ризоидами, помимо хитина в клеточной стенке много пектина, способность к почкованию, бесполое размножение спорангиоспорами, зигогамия. Отдел грибов, объединяющий 10 порядков, 27 семейств, около 170 родов и более 1000 видов. Отличаются развитым ценоцитным мицелием непостоянной толщины, в котором септы образуются только для отделения репродуктивных органов. Почти все представители этого отдела одноклеточные ведущие наземный образ жизни. Му коровые: Обычно это быстро растущие грибы. На их широкой гифе нет септы. Гифа растёт главным образом внутри субстрата. Множество видов портят пищу. Другие могут вызывать микозы.!}

Src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e Ascomycetes (from Greek .σκός - bag), or marsupials (lat. Ascomycota) mushroom"> Аскомицеты (от греч. ἀσκός - сумка), или сумчатые грибы (лат. Ascomycota) на рисунке гриб сморчёк конический!}

Src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e Sexual process in ascomycetes The main symptom of ascomycetes is"> Половой процесс у аскомицетов Основной признак аскомицетов - образование в результате полового процесса сумок (или асков) - одноклеточных структур, содержащих фиксированное число аскоспор, обычно 8. Сумки образуются или непосредственно из зиготы (у низших аскомицетов), или на развивающихся из зиготы аскогенных гифах. В сумке происходит слияние ядер зиготы, а затем мейотическое деление диплоидного ядра и образование гаплоидных аскоспор. У высших аскомицетов сумка представляет не только место образования аскоспор, но и активно участвует в их распространении.!}

Src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e Part of the Ascomycetes gif with septum Ascomycetes Vegetative body -"> Часть гифы аскомицетов с септой Вегетативное тело аскомицетов - разветвленный гаплоидный мицелий, состоящий из многоядерных или одноядерных клеток. В отличие от зигомицетов перегородки (септы) в мицелии аскомицетов образуются упорядоченно, синхронно с делением ядер. Развитие септ происходит от стенок гифы к центру, напоминая сужение диафрагмы в объективе фотоаппарата. В центре септы остается пора (рис. 51), через которую происходит движение цитоплазмы с со скоростью от 1- 2 до 25- 40 см/ч. Некоторые органеллы клетки, даже ядра, могут мигрировать через поры. Наличие пор в септах играет существенную роль в переносе питательных веществ по гифам в зону роста.!}

Src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e Life cycle of yeast Budding of ascomycetic yeast is holoblastic:"> Жизненный цикл дрожжей Почкование у аскомицетных дрожжей голобластическое: клеточная стенка материнской клетки размягчается, выгибается наружу и даёт начало клеточной стенке дочерней. Гаплоидные аскомицетные дрожжевые клетки имеют два типа спаривания: a и α. Термин «пол» не используется, поскольку клетки морфологически идентичны и различаются только одним генетическим локусом mat (от англ. mating - спаривание). Клетки разных типов могут сливаться и образовывать диплоид a/α, который после мейоза даёт 4 гаплоидных аскоспоры: две a и две α. Вегетативное размножение аскомицетных дрожжей возможно у разных видов либо только на гаплоидной стадии, либо только на диплоидной, либо на обеих (гапло- диплоидные дрожжи)!}

Src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e Fruit bodies of ascomycetes Marsupials have four types"> Плодовые тела аскомицетов У сумчатых грибов имеются четыре типа плодовых тел: Клейстотеции (клейстокарпии) представляют собой полностью замкнутое плодовое тело с находящимися внутри асками, освобождающимися после разрушения его стенок. Перитеции (др. -греч. περι- - возле, около, θήκη - хранилище) - почти замкнуты («полузамкнуты»), то есть сумки окружены перидием, обычно имеют кувшинообразную форму с выводным отверстием в верхней части. Апотеции - открытые вместилища аск. Образуют чаши (блюдца). По верхней стороне плодового тела расположен слой сумок и парафиз; парафизы, пока сумки незрелые, могут смыкаться над ними своими вершинами и выполнять защитную функцию. Также образуют сморщенную поверхность сморчков (причём рёбра складок стерильны), могут, однако, не раскрываться (у трюфелей). .!}

Src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e Stroma with clementotations">!}

Src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e Stroms with peritsei">!}

Src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e Apothecia">!}

Src \u003d "" alt \u003d "(! LANG:\u003e Deuteromycetes Deuteromycetes (lat. Deuteromycota), or Imperfect mushrooms (lat ."> Дейтеромицеты Дейтеромицеты (лат. Deuteromycota), или Несовершенные грибы (лат. Fungi imperfecti) - нетаксономическая группа грибов, ранее считавшаяся отделом. Их тело состоит из расчленённых прозрачных или окрашенных многоклеточных гиф и иногда из почкующихся клеток. Размножаются исключительно бесполым путём, при котором образование конидий происходит на изолированных или расположенных группами конидиеносцах или специальных образованиях, называемых пикнидами. К дейтеромицетам относятся три порядка: Sphaeropsidales, Melanconiales и Hyphomycetales (Moniliales), представители которых широко распространены в почве. Грибы порядка Sphaeropsidales характеризуются конидиями, которые образуются в пикнидах, остающихся закрытыми или открывающихся наружу порами или трещинами. Сюда входит род Phoma и др. Виды рода Phoma образуют микоризу с корнями некоторых растений.!}

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